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Thread: Does your wife get it?

  1. #1
    looking at their tools while posting pictures of mine.
    Domeguy's Avatar
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    about 20 minutes outside Lynchburg, TN...but which way...

    Does your wife get it?

    It looks like the vast majority of the members here on this site, or at least do the majority of posting are men. And I am wondering if your wives or girlfriends are with you an the whole prepping mentality. Are they with you 100%, maybe just agree it a good idea to have a little extra putback, or do they think you are crazy because they know Walmart will always be there. I am fortunate to have a wife who supports me equally as a prepper. But while driving home last, I'm thinking if finally caught up with her. It was about 5 pm, and we were about 35 minutes driving from getting home. She suddenly asked me out of the blue, " what is that thing that would turn out the power?" I said an EMP? She said yes, what would we do if one happened right now? I said we would walk. She didn't think we could make it, so in small steps, I explained how we not only would, but could. I pointed out why we would need our GHB, which she took out of the car, and why she needed the pistol in the glovebox, which she took out also. How we would walk near the road, but not on it. How we would take shortcuts to save time, reminding her how her mindset would have to change. I think it finally sunk in, it could happen, and if we are not prepared, we are dead. So, how are you and your partner planning, together or by yourself.

  2. #2
    Crotch Rocket

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    My ex-wife didn't, but age and maturity played into that for both of us. I know I didn't present as well then as I do now, but even with that she just didn't get it, and wouldn't now. I've had two serious relationships since then, and while both of them supported different things I'd have largely been on my own getting it done. For a while at least.
    Consilio et animis


  3. #3
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    Mine does - she still likes to shop for groceries every day, but we have enough to last us for a long time if needed. She also has the skills.

  4. #4
    Wants you to "look at what he's holding tonight".

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    My wife thinks just like I do. She is able to handle everything from gardening to shooting, killing and slaughtering. Oh yeah and we met in the Army. We where both in the same unit. She worked on AH-1 Cobras and I worked on AH-64 Apaches. So she can handle a wrench if needed.
    "When injustice becomes law, resistance becomes DUTY!" - Thomas Jefferson

  5. #5
    Do NOT mess with him while he's pumping gas.

    ak474u's Avatar
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    Mine is, she's a little less understanding with the fact that the guns I like are $500+ and then they need accessories, but she's hounding me about getting our rainwater system up and collecting. She also picked out and we ordered more berry bushes yesterday for more variety in our diet. I'm about $600 into the garden this year so far because she wants a MUCH bigger garden than last year. Because of her, we've gone from a single 4x8 raised bed the first summer we were here (bought the home on June 1st, so late start) to 2-6x6, 8-2x6, 1-2x40 raised beds and a 2x50 in-ground plot last year, to adding 3-2x6, 4-2x2, 1-4x6, and a 3x6 tiered strawberry box, with probably 10-1x3 hypertufa concrete planters to follow for herbs this year.

    My wife was so poor growing up she remembers her mom telling her the bugs in flour were pepper, and eating mayonnaise sandwiches for lunch and dinner, so she overbuys groceries. She's finally realized she needs to change that a little, and we've eaten thru the pantry since August and rotated new stuff in. Before she had no issue with letting food expire, because at least she had it and felt secure.
    Common sense is so rare these days, it should be re-classified as a super power.

  6. #6
    plenty of extra room "down his pants"
    ElevenBravo's Avatar
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    Mine does, for the most part... As we grow older together she sees a lot of the "crazy" things Ive done and the way I think have paid off. Like... we didnt loose a thing in the fridge during an extended power outage and even enjoyed the cool air from a portable AC unit when it was 110 outside!

    When a something goes bump in the night its investigated with a weapon. If was kinda funny last week (after it was over), the dog went the 'f off, I had just finished reading and cut the light out when I hear Lil'Bravo rack the slide on her .45, well hell... I wanna play! So I grab mine and we were going down the hallway and proceeded to check out the front of the house. (I can sleep heavy because my dog sleeps light).

    The time we lost water because a main burst... Yup, I heated water on the stove top and rigged the Zodi up in the bathroom, we showered with that for 2 daze.

    The list goes on, lost track of the shit we went though. Hoping the big one doesnt come in my life time, but got some preps for that too.... Red spotted blue helmets are nice keepsakes or so I hear.

    "Takes .357 to the field... every time..."
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  7. #7
    I'll most likely shit myself

    bacpacker's Avatar
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    Yep mine is pretty much with me. Unlike Helo, I seriously don't expect to see her killing or slaughtering anything. Just not in her. Other wise she is in the garden berry patch, vineyard, what have you. I help her can and put up what we raise. Since her car wreck, she has slowed down a lot, but pushes for all shes worth. Hell she even pushes me to get shit done.

  8. #8
    Wants you to "look at what he's holding tonight".

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    My wife does not slaughter all the time, but she does do it on occasion if I get overwhelmed. So I know she can.
    "When injustice becomes law, resistance becomes DUTY!" - Thomas Jefferson

  9. #9
    Do you have a robot?
    realist's Avatar
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    When I first met my wife she did not really like guns. I told her if it bothered her then we should end it, I was a cop and commercially reloaded ammo. She said she was good with it. As for the rest of prepping she tolerates it only. Although we have gotten into canning and dehydrating so she may not know it but I am winning..........just don't tell her.

  10. #10
    For the Love of Cats

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    I've been pondering this since it was posted, and my only responce can be "I just don't know"
    Sometimes it seems like she is, and then whammo, she makes me shake my head.

    The other day during dinner, we finished off whatever condiment, so I go to the pantry and grab another one. "Ooh that's so awesome, I so like having a pantry like that" I smile, thinking that each little victory like this is helping.

    The next day she comes home all excited, as she found her favourite rust remover (we have very hard water), which she explains is always hard to find... and it was on sale. I unpack the bags, and then have to ask "If it is that great, and you found it in stock, AND it was on sale... why did you only buy one?"

    She gets that 'doe' look and then says "I guess I can go back and get another one tomorrow".

    I sigh "Or you can go back and get another six... remember the pantry thing?"

    Sigh. And this is a regular thing, if she finds something on sale that we use a lot, she'll buy two cans/packages. I will buy a case.


    A couple weeks ago, when the city water was unsafe, she proudly proclaimed that she had bought water (she likes bottled water for drinking) and shows me a case of 12 bottles (500ml) I reply "cute" take her into the spare room and point out the 6 cases of 35 (500ml)bottles; and the 5 five gallon jugs I filled.

    Considering the city dwellers went nuts and bought everything to the point that they drove the prices up to extorsion levels, she has not bought any more, and is currently into the third case of 35. When I pont out that supplies are restocked, and prices are back to normal, she replies that we have lots and don't need to buy any more.

    So, yeah... to reiterate: "I just don't know"
    Last edited by Sniper-T; 02-10-2015 at 02:10 PM.
    Give a man fire, and he'll be warm for a day!
    Light a man on fire, and he'll be warm for the rest of his life!

    Cat's are food... not friends!

    If you're going to fight, then fight like you're the third monkey on the ramp into Noah's arc... and brother, it's starting to rain.



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