Thank you. Not having much space, working in my 26' dome circle, was made even smaller by having to have certain things against the wall such as a freezer, work bench, shelves, etc. and having to leave space for the overhead door entrance and regular door made the space even smaller. I wonder if a guy ever decided they had too big of a shop? But looking back I wish I had built a bigger garage. I bought the Shopsmith exactly because you can do almost anything in woodworking you need to get done in a small area. I belong to a local woodworking club, and it have found about 1/2 of them have an old Shopsmith in the corner they have deligated to a single use. The only problem is when you are doing a project and need to fine tune it. It is a major pain in the ass to swap tools every 3 minutes. I did upgrade to have the larger saw table which has helped, and made it safer. The mini is not a stand alone moter, but is like the regular shopsmith, but smaller and doesn't have the ability to tilt to make a drill press. But if I already have one that does, I don't need it to. I use the mini mostly as a belt sander. The band saw from shopsmith was OK, but I much prefer to have it as a stand alone machine. I wish I had the room for a good table saw, but that will happen another day when I build a larger shop someday, all run from solar power.