I have been debating on if I would start this thread for several years now. I haven't posted this due to my fear of having you thinking I was looking for your pity, or to put myself in the spotlight, as nothing could be further than the truth. All though I am technically considered handicapped, I don't see my self as such. About 2 yrs ago during our Tennessee meet-n-greet, I was approached by someone in the group who wanted to ask formally in the forum about problems a handicapped prepper might face, but was afraid to ask. I say ask anything, because I don't mind telling anyone anything they might want to know. So here is a bit about my life. I had problems with my neck since birth, as I remember my mother telling me stories of how I would cry and throw a fit if I was put on my stomach and had to turn my head sideways. I have a flat spot on the back of my head now from sleeping only on my back as a baby. Lol. But at that time, doctors just said maybe I will just grow out of it. I didn't, and I started having nerve pain at about 14 when I got my growth spurt. In my senior year I was 6'4", and weighed 150, tall and skinny. I always had back and neck pains, and took ibuprofen and muscle relaxers like they were candy for about 30 yrs. As I was approaching 50, I was working in a potato chip factory during the day, and going to night school studying to get a maintenance degree, and at the same time, I was starting a small, home based solar company called Greener Tennessee Solar. Maybe you have heard of it...no...anyone...nope. Because I was only able to get one job in before I had to shut it down. All of the studying, and having to bend my neck down to read was killing me. I was having back spasms that just would not stop. I had to go to the emergency room several times to get injections directly I to the muscles to try and get them to relax. Anyway, I finally went to see an orthopedic doctor, and to make a long story short, I had 3 discs removed from my neck and replaced with cadaver bone and fused together, spaces were the nerves had to be drilled out to give them more room, and had the many bone spurs filed down. They told me to come back when my back got to bad, and they would do the same for it. I was off work for 4 months, had to quit school, and close down my company. When I was able to return back to work, it was only for 5 weeks, as everyday hurt more than the previous. Again to make a long story short, they sent me home as a fall risk, and gave me full disability. Little did I know at that time, I would in 2 yrs be forced to file for government disability by the same company, so now I have become one of those leeches who are forced to live from a government check. Then about 2 yrs later, I started having small seizures that gradually were turning into larger ones. I went to see a neurologist, and was diagnosed with Parkinson's Desease, and with a follow up a few months later I also found I have Altzimers disease starting. He also asked me if I was ever diagnosed with ADD as a child. I told him no, but looking back I would have expected I did, and he said well, you do. Oh goody. Now the fun starts. But I haven't looked at it that way. Luckily I wear a patch that stops the seizures, and i am trying to keep my mind as sharp as possible, and even with the ADD problems, I am trying to keep busy doing wood working in the garage. I just keep losing tools, as I don't remember where I put them. Lol. So enough about me. About 2 yrs ago, my wife read me a posting from another prepper site written by a married father with 3 young children, 1 with a serious handicap which kept her in a wheelchair. He did not go further into what kind of disability she had, but implied it was serious and could never make it without constant supervision. He was basically asking everyone in a serious situation, what should he do. He had to know the answer already, but couldn't bring himself to answer it to him self. There was no way all five of them could make it, and what should he do. Of corse, no one could answer that question for him, as that is something only he and his wife would have to decide. That is but one of the many questions a handicapped prepper, or a caregiver of a handicapped person has to decide. Even in the best of times, the handicapped person is going to face difficulties, but throw in a terrorist attack, an EMP, government collapse, ect., this might very well be the end game. Although I do not have any life threatening problems at this time, take away my medicine, and I don't think I would last more than a month before I would kill myself. I don't think I could take the pain, the seizures, the inevitable failure of my mind and body. Again, I am not looking for any pity, as I am a glass 1/2 full kind of guy. I look at the positive, because right now, I'm fine. But things could change rapidly in a SHTF scenario, but that could be said for every one. We want to be able to stockpile as much medicine as possible, but yet the government and insurance companies won't let us. People who need insulin will die without it. Many people have life threatening conditions that without their medicine, will not make it, no matter how much prepping of food, water, or how well you can make a fire. They will die. And the caregivers will have difficult decisions to make, such as that father I mentioned. He knew the daughter would never stand a chance, but just could not bring himself to admit it to himself. I know there are others on this site who have their own health problems. I am not asking them to come forward and to tell their stories, but just to remind others who are of sound mind and body to remember there are others out there who are going to need a lot of help if the time ever comes. If you are a handicapped prepper, of a caregiver of someone who is, and don't mind sharing your experience, or thoughts of what might come, or just want to give some advice, I would welcome your input. I didn't plan for this to be so long, sorry.