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Thread: Domeguy's Freedom Fund

  1. #31
    looking at their tools while posting pictures of mine.
    Domeguy's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    about 20 minutes outside Lynchburg, TN...but which way...
    Hey man, don't blame me, as I'm just the messenger. And you know because it's on the internet, it must be TRUE.
    Any way...

    After my little rose petal Carlotta was born, her big brave dancing father just up and left town. They didn't know where he went, or what happened to him, but in the mean time, the toll fell deeply upon the family. As he pulled about 1/2 of the revenue from...well...we won't go into that here, but I hear it involved brown showers in San Diego. He must have side lined as a plumber I guess.
    The next morning after breakfast, and then hitting the head, (mexican breakfast burritos can be pretty rough on the uninitiated colon), I met with granny. I asked her if she was reading palms, telling fortunes, and pleasuring donkeys because she needed the money?
    She told me no, she had a real gift for all three, but was really only mostly doing the first two lately. Carlotta really had a knack for the third, but after she left, the market for even that seemed to dry up as fast as her hoo-haa. I'm guessing that was her...I'm not really sure?
    "Financial stability is what you need, and that is my speciality." I told here, "and how much American money do you think it would take to but this mess back into a real 'Dog and Pony' show."
    "No, no," she cried, "we only use donkeys...we are not perverts...pony...uchh, but Papitta does like to dress up the dogs."

    I told her we could work with that, and we hashed out a few other peoples talents.
    There were her two uncles who liked to put on ladies underware and pull on each other...

    "We have a family of three siblings, one of which is a little person, and they have their own costumes."
    "Now we are getting somewhere! I can do some work with a midget! Here in Mexico, I've heard tales..."


    She cut me off, "no midgets here, it's just their daughter, and she's little."
    "Never mind"
    Granny said she used to pull in a good crowd when she wore her 'Wonder-woman' outfit.

    "I'm hopping we can let you three sisters retire and enjoy the rest of your life."
    I slept on it a day, then two, then on the third day I had the answer, and went to discuss it with Granny.
    The next morning we called everyone into Granny's tent, and told them my grand plan.
    " I just bought the circus", and threw my Ronco TM. Monet belt on the table, and started passing out money like it was Christmas morning.

    Last edited by Domeguy; 04-12-2015 at 07:15 AM. Reason: Pressed wrung button



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