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Thread: How prepared are you?

  1. #11
    Wants you to "look at what he's holding tonight".

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    A week or a month is no problem. I would have to really ration my fuel usage, but will be able to take showers and keep the freezer cold for a month. Hoping to get my freezer with solar power soon, but it probably wont happen for a while.
    "When injustice becomes law, resistance becomes DUTY!" - Thomas Jefferson

  2. #12
    I have still yet to grow a brain
    Vodin's Avatar
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    To my dismay I live in a neighborhood. I have the supplies to allow my family and I to endure for a period of time. The issue that will be difficult if not impossible is the sanitation needs. Let me repeat I live in a neighborhood. It wont be us but everyone else. Peeps need to pee and poop. Dispose of garbage. How will I be able to deal with how they do that. I cant say what will occur. So that is where I cant say a certain length of time.

  3. #13
    finally pooped
    jamesneuen's Avatar
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    Vodin, I have a hand operated post hole digger, we used one like it when I was in boy scouts to make a rough latrine. Dug a narrow but deep hole and kept the dirt in a bucket next to it with a shovel. Every time you go just sprinkle a bit of dirt on top. Kept the smells down and was easy to make another when it got full. A single hole lasted 5 of us for almost a full week depending on who was cooking.

    Not sure of your situation specifics but figured I would offer it as food for thought.
    Quote Originally Posted by Gunfixr View Post
    Welcome to the internet.
    One of us types in our heart and soul, and then puts it up for the world.
    Then, the rest get to interpret it.
    It is literal, or figurative?
    Sad, or happy?
    Angry, or calm?
    Just black and white words on a screen.
    Not like a conversation in person, with facial expressions, body language, tone of voice.

    Still, we here pretty much slide along without issues.
    Imagine how well we could get along in person.

    Or, we would just think each other is a bunch of assholes

  4. #14
    Thunder Lizard Canning Club Chapter of the Old Farts Society

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    Quote Originally Posted by jamesneuen View Post
    Vodin, I have a hand operated post hole digger, we used one like it when I was in boy scouts to make a rough latrine. Dug a narrow but deep hole and kept the dirt in a bucket next to it with a shovel. Every time you go just sprinkle a bit of dirt on top. Kept the smells down and was easy to make another when it got full. A single hole lasted 5 of us for almost a full week depending on who was cooking.

    Not sure of your situation specifics but figured I would offer it as food for thought.
    Make sure to have Masonry lime (CaOH) to throw in after each use to aid in decomposition.
    Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me Liberty or give me death." Patrick Henry, Virginia House of Burgesses, March 23, 1775

    Quo Vadis?

    Luke 22:36, And he that hath no sword, let him sell his garment, and buy one.

  5. #15
    I'll most likely shit myself

    bacpacker's Avatar
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    Great point with the post hole diggers and Lime.

    Normally I have 20+ gallons of desiel on hand, but I've been working quite a bit and only have 5-7 at the moment. Gotta replenish that ASAP. Food and water, we would be good for 6 months minimum and the garden will be coming in as well. Plus plenty of time left this growing season to add a lot more.

  6. #16
    Wants to know if that is a nut tool for a fire hydrant nozzle

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    1 -2 months of fuel depending on season and whatever else would be available in the propane tank. 6 months max.

  7. #17
    I have still yet to grow a brain
    Vodin's Avatar
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    I am sorry I must not have emphasized it enuf. My sanitation is not an issue. It is all of the others in the neighborhood. I dont have a bug/mice/rat/stink/disease removal plan to cover all of the peeps in my area.

  8. #18
    finally pooped
    jamesneuen's Avatar
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    Ah gotcha. My bad
    Quote Originally Posted by Gunfixr View Post
    Welcome to the internet.
    One of us types in our heart and soul, and then puts it up for the world.
    Then, the rest get to interpret it.
    It is literal, or figurative?
    Sad, or happy?
    Angry, or calm?
    Just black and white words on a screen.
    Not like a conversation in person, with facial expressions, body language, tone of voice.

    Still, we here pretty much slide along without issues.
    Imagine how well we could get along in person.

    Or, we would just think each other is a bunch of assholes

  9. #19
    looking at their tools while posting pictures of mine.
    Domeguy's Avatar
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    Our place pretty much runs itself until something breaks down. I don't have livestock to deal with, or anything else that can't just wait until I get around to it. If the grass gets high, so what! For 3 months, my wife and I are good. I would have to ration some meds, and the wife would not be able to get to work, as I would expect gasoline would be pretty hard to come by. But as one of only 2 nurses working in our county, the state might make arrangements for her. Other than that, we have food and water, plenty of wood for cooking, cleaning, and hygiene. I would loose some weight hauling water up from the spring, so that's a positive. I don't have a garden as of yet, but we have enough food stored. It would get warm, but not overpowering with no AC, as I would open the windows in the cupola creating a natural heat chimney. It would be kind of boring with no tv, or internet, but if the wife is at home, she can still cheat me at cards.

  10. #20
    Walking on Sunshine

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    I'm not sure.We have the means to cook food, predisposing the natural gas lines are shut down and we've run thru any residual gas that may have been in the lines for the stand by gennie(no electricity) and have enough food and water to last about 6-8 months with means to grow some veggies, some fruit and herbs. We are also in a neighborhood and while we know a couple of neighbors, the rest?????. We would bury the human (and cats) waste far enough from house. My only worry is the sump. It has a twelve hour back battery up but no means to recharge it to keep basement from flooding after the twelve hours. I am working on solar and possibly a wind turbine to keep that going at the least but it's hard trying to save money right now. Due to family situation I've not been keeping up on things as well as I think I should.



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