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Thread: How prepared are you?

  1. #21
    For the Love of Cats

    Sniper-T's Avatar
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    The Great White North!
    With our outhouses, the biggest problem is they get filled up with solids, and there isn't enough liquid for the stuff to break down. So what we used to do(growing up), a few times a year was carry about 20 5 gallon pails of water, and 'flush' them. Now, I have mine, and my buddy's set up with an automatic flusher. a simple eaves trough on the back and a down spout with an elbow to shoot the water in. haven't had to dig a new hole in 20+ years!
    Give a man fire, and he'll be warm for a day!
    Light a man on fire, and he'll be warm for the rest of his life!

    Cat's are food... not friends!

    If you're going to fight, then fight like you're the third monkey on the ramp into Noah's arc... and brother, it's starting to rain.

  2. #22
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    Central Florida
    A similar question was recently posed on another forum I follow, so rather than retype and adapt it, I'll just post my answers to the questions that were asked. It was based on long term SHTF.

    In a short term event without loss of rule of law, I think everything would be fine, long term WROL situationwould be different, as it adds the need to constantly protect persons and resources. A lot of my long term plan includes invites I have made to a few select others to join. Answers would change based on how many and who show up. If none show, then I'm probably screwed when the MZB's show up (that's mutant zombie bikers to those of you that don't read prepper fiction)

    Sleep = Do you have someone who can watch over you while you sleep? Currently only me the wife and a 7 year old, so not realistically. If invited folks show, then no problem.

    Hygiene = Can you bath? Brush your Teeth? Wipe your ass? (For how long?) have lots of soap, know how to make soap (need to try), not enough shampoo (about a years worth): tons of toothpaste, brushes, floss: about 4 month Tp, but a large stash of clean hand towels, a spray cleaner and a method to use, wash, and re-use.

    Food Per Serving = How many days? (Two Meals a Day) For my immediate family of 3 - about 4-6 months regular food, includes beans, rice, etc, and about another 6 months long term storage food.

    Numbers = How many people could you field for defense? (One Pistol one rifle per/ full and equal # of mags) I could fully equip 6 people

    Bullets = How many times could you reload your magazines? (Assuming each fire fight were to cost you 100 rounds per person) 100 times, including rifle and pistol, about 75 just rifle.

    Medical = What kinds of wounds can you handle? Can you bandage multiple persons? Can you perform dressing changes after the fact? I have all the basics, but need more in the gauze and bandage areas. Have surgical kit, sutures and staplers, dental emergency kits, trauma kits, no serious pain killers or internal antibiotics. Problem is not trained beyond basic first aid. Do have a degree in Biology, if that helps. Have invited 2 doctors and a surgical PA and her fiance the dentist, so if they show I'm good to go.

    Comms = Could you get a message out to a Friend 20 miles away? (Without Phone) probably not - 2 Cb's, 4 FRS, and 1 cheap handheld ham that I don't know how to use.

    Fuel = How many times can you refill your tank? (Assuming no EMP and you traveled far enough to use a tank of gas) 4 or more (the value of having boats with big gas tanks. Plus diesel in the truck and in storage cans for the tractor.

    Garden = Are you capable of starting a food source? (Doesn't matter where, I'm sure you would find a place.) absolutely, better if I stay where I am, as I already have it in place,- garden, fruit including citrus, apples, plums, grapes, sugar cane and a cane grinder, a few other exotics for flavors like pineapple. Chickens for eggs. but can try to make it work anyplace I can stay put for 4 months, if I bring my seeds.(time to get crops to harvest). Problems would be bugs and plant disease, natural problems like hail or flood-even and inch of standing water. also native plants to harvest.

    Other considerations - live in a farming community with goats, cattle, and horses all around (if I can trader for goats, that would be great). 2 wells, a pond and a wetland on property. Hand pump for shallow well that provides drinkable water. Lots of water filtration filters available. 800 watts of solar electric - not a lot but will keep batteries charged- 3 12 volt inverters. 500 gallons of rainwater elevated 8 feet above ground to provide low pressure water for toilets or whatever. septic tank to keep sanitary conditions flowing. solar shower bags. (tested when my original well collapsed 2 years ago)
    Biggest shortfalls - Civilization is catching up to my area. about 500-1000 new homes being built withint 3 mile radius. Defence and personnel - If people invited show up, that will be covered as well. I have empty sandbags, but not enough. vacant lot two homes up the road has piles of railroad ties I plan on snatching up for defensive positions for my place and my neighbors (he is also loaded with firearms and ammo) Have invited various folks to come out that appear to think in similar fashion and they should bring their own supplies and/ or needed skills. If everyone shows, we may need to take over the vacant home across the street. lots of room in the house, can convert the barn and child playfort to living quarters, also can put people up in the boat cabins. Big concern is that we all get along. I added it up and if everyone shows, its 14 adults and 3 kids. then there are a few others I would not turn away even though they are not part of my plan. I assume not everyone will make it. Also, more people mean more needed resources. That could really strain things. I can provide a location but not the resources for everyone. Bugging out would be an issue, and I am terribly unorganized with my stuff.
    Above all, without security and defense, none of this matters.

  3. #23
    RIP, brother. We are diminshed.
    robsdak's Avatar
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    Okaloosa County, Florida
    just catching up on a few threads.

    i would do fine. food stores put up will tide me/us over until the garden produces. guns and ammo, i have 1 rifle and 3 bullets.
    "Ya need a hug, or a twinkee? Wait..forget the twinkie". - Dropy

    "I'll be in my bunk" Jayne Cobb

    'Catch, sauté, and release...' Sniper-T

    'Always smile... it makes people wonder what the fuck you are thinking!' Sniper-T

    Body Armor is not bullet proof, it is only bullet resistant.* Learn to become strictly a head hunter.*

    'All I really needed was a hug'............ Domeguy

  4. #24
    Do you have a robot?
    realist's Avatar
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    Northern CA,
    I think we would do alright with the exception for fuel but even then we would smoke everything in the freezer before the fuel ran out. I am looking at a propane option for a freezer since we have a 500 gallon tank. We have a couple of great water source. The garden is in its prime now. We are getting about a shopping bag of beans a night, another bag of squash. Our fruit trees are doing well. All my neighbors have livestock and we all get along and work together at times.

    For my place the one thing we do not have is numbers of people immediately here. If I need to leave here I have a couple of places. If I need to get away right away I have another place I can get to 20 miles north which is a fall back location to see us through which has everything.
    If it is predictable then it is preventable....... Gordon Graham

    So if it is predictable and preventable then you better prepare.

  5. #25
    Senior Member

    Join Date
    May 2014
    near Pasadena, Ca.
    I have been giving some more thought to our situation. While we have a garden that would provide a decent amount of fresh veggies, if the electricity goes south our water will soon go south and we will have no way to irrigate. We have experienced a loss of electricity due to Southern California brush fires and once the large tank higher on the hillside is depleted we have no water pressure, making irrigation almost impossible. Looks like we need to stock more canned goods.



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