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Thread: EMP only, or EMP and ????

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    EMP only, or EMP and ????

    When I used to think about EMP, I only thought about the aftermath of the actual EMP strike.


    If a country were developing an EMP nuke bomb and missile delivery system, then they would also have that same ability to use missiles to nuke land targets.

    So say its Iran or North Korea: would they just shoot an EMP, knowing that we still have assets and ways to strike back, or would they go further - use EMP's first then a few strikes on some major cities that they could reach from their container ship missile platforms? D.C, New York, LA, Omaha (SAC)? If they are well coordinated they could hit several right after or at the same time as the EMP strike.

    So, we would need to prep not just for life without power, but possible nuclear contamination as well.


  2. #2
    Wants you to "look at what he's holding tonight".

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    I just don't see a small country like that being able to get a nuke into our airspace. Sure the soviet union could overwhelm our air defenses with large numbers, but smaller countries with one or two would not have any luck IMO.
    "When injustice becomes law, resistance becomes DUTY!" - Thomas Jefferson

  3. #3
    Walking on Sunshine

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    I wouldn't be so sure helo, there is a lot we don't know about their capabilities that isn't decimated to the general public. We can only speculate and hope they can't land something here.

  4. #4
    Wants you to "look at what he's holding tonight".

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    But I am secure in our capabilities to defend against a few missile systems. Again if Russia wanted to hit us, they could, they have such large numbers. We have ships, subs and land based defenses that will take care of most threats. I also believe we have space based nuclear defense that is top secret.
    "When injustice becomes law, resistance becomes DUTY!" - Thomas Jefferson

  5. #5
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    Theoretically, a high performance business jet (say, a G-500) could carry a nuclear device up to an altitude of around 60-65,000 feet (the G-500 is certified to 51k normally). At that altitude, over say Lewisburg, PA, an EMP would have a range of 312 miles radius, or all of New York, Washington DC, Toronto and Ottawa, Canada, Norfolk, VA, etc.

    A TOT attack with two planes (one over PA and one over (say) Reno, NV would just about cripple the US infrastructure, banking, etc.

  6. #6
    Wants you to "look at what he's holding tonight".

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    Glad I don't live anywhere near a city.
    "When injustice becomes law, resistance becomes DUTY!" - Thomas Jefferson

  7. #7
    looking at their tools while posting pictures of mine.
    Domeguy's Avatar
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    about 20 minutes outside Lynchburg, TN...but which way...
    Do you (everyone) think you could not only survive, but want to keep on surviving after a nuclear strike. Living near Lynchburg, TN, I don't see our area being much of a military target. We do have an outdated military base for testing air craft engines and rocket engines. We are also in the area for TWA's nuclear power plants, and should they decide to have a very bad day, I might need to cancel my lunch reservation. So I don't know how big of a target our area is, but I don't think I would want to continue trying to survive in a radioactive area. Without a Geiger counter, you would never know what is safe. That just might be the time to use that one bullet I have been saving.
    I'm just thinking out loud with the keyboard...what are others thoughts?
    Last edited by Domeguy; 05-15-2015 at 05:10 PM. Reason: Added pic.

  8. #8
    Senior Member

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    I'm not planning on dying. Thats all there is to it.

    And a nuclear war is just another thing to survive. If you're not immediately affected by it, it is survivable with adequate planning and prep.

  9. #9
    Walking on Sunshine

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    Interesting question Dome. I never thought about surviving a nuclear attack. We have Selfridge near Detroit and Kinchloe up north plus all the automobile and manufacturing plants in the big cities that could be converted for war. When Pop was at Selfridge, he and my uncle (in the Air Force at the time) were sent to Goose Bay Labrador for the duration of the Cuban Missal crisis and I heard a lot of talk about that during that time. Guess it stuck with me, I thought if an enemy did nuke us, they'd destroy the state , upper and lower peninsulas. Of course I was only ten or so at the time but it's funny how things a kid hears colors what their actions may be as adults.

  10. #10
    finally pooped
    jamesneuen's Avatar
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    I don't think Kincheloe is anywhere close to being re-manned on a large scale even in the event of a disaster. Maybe just for their landing strips as a transfer depot.

    Honestly I feel that if a nuclear strike does happen, it will be all about luck and location. If one hits near enough to you, you may as well live in a reactor for all the good your preps will do you. If you get lucky enough to not be targeted then you will have a fighting chance but everything we know about surviving will change overnight. Contaminated surface water and even some ground sources, irradiated soil that has to be removed before planting, overall radiation levels just in the air mean you would have to completely seal your house and get a filter that would remove radiation and keep positive air pressure in the house.

    I don't have it in me to just give up and die but I think nuclear attack is one of the only things I wouldn't survive.



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