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Thread: Death

  1. #21
    finally pooped
    jamesneuen's Avatar
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    I think joking to make it a lighter subject helps discussion but I don't think the squeamish will even discuss it. I grew up on a farm, and then started hunting once I moved away. Death just goes hand in hand with living. Just seems there are older crowd here that realize you have to do what needs done.

    Now I'm not saying we are going to go on a rampage and start shooting granny and little Suzie in the face from 300yds for their chef boyardee. We are more than mentally prepared to deal with threats, disease and famine though.
    Quote Originally Posted by Gunfixr View Post
    Welcome to the internet.
    One of us types in our heart and soul, and then puts it up for the world.
    Then, the rest get to interpret it.
    It is literal, or figurative?
    Sad, or happy?
    Angry, or calm?
    Just black and white words on a screen.
    Not like a conversation in person, with facial expressions, body language, tone of voice.

    Still, we here pretty much slide along without issues.
    Imagine how well we could get along in person.

    Or, we would just think each other is a bunch of assholes

  2. #22
    CC Gray Panther
    eagle326's Avatar
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    [QUOTE=Kesephist;82719]Still so new... is this ... well, cavalier attitude to death and disposition of the dead a prevalent aspect of the prepper milieu, to be accepted? A coping mechanism? Or a string of humor at the world's second oldest funny subject?

    Argent-oriented minds desire to know.

    After reading this thread I figured I'd come on in right here. Okay here's my take on death.

    From the day you draw your 1st. breath you're on your way to dying. Which means no one is getting out alive. So now we have bodies littering the ground and want to get rid of them. Well in my mind whoever owned them aren't using them anymore so I get rid of them. Now Sniper's idea with the basement is sweet. Dump and burn.

    Man is no more than animal like the rest of the species roaming the earth. We being the dominate one's create rituals for the dead and spend weeks and months mourning their loss. Does it hurt to lose someone close? Bet your sweet bippy it does but life goes on and empty shells of people are a health hazard. I no more cherish the thought of losing my wife ; children ; grand children ; great grand children or people near and dear to me. but in my world I must do what I need to do to keep the rest healthy as possible.

    I've lost army brothers in a far off land and I still see them everyday along with family and bygone friends. But my job is in the here and now ; not with dead bodies. You do what you have to do to survive . No disrespect to the corpses but in the end we're all just fertilizer or food for wild animals.
    Besides if I couldn't see the humor in death or dying I'd never be able to live.Dying is a fact of life and while many can't fathom that ; they need to be able to get comfortable with what has to be done sometimes in dire times.

    As for my wife and children we all think life is a joke and it's been played on us ; So we enjoy our time here and don't give a rat's ass what anyone does with our corpses because we're not using them anymore. Now for me if possible I want to be parachuted up and static lined for my last jump from a perfectly good airplane.
    Man I bet that's gonna be one crazy P.L.F.

    Eagle 326

  3. #23
    plenty of extra room "down his pants"
    ElevenBravo's Avatar
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    Death, its part of the circle of life.
    "Takes .357 to the field... every time..."
    "AR - America's Rifle"
    "Bushido, an honourable way of life"

  4. #24
    Crotch Rocket

    mitunnelrat's Avatar
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    I haven't spoken with any who stay here long that don't recognise the dignity in human life, dark humor and irreverent banter aside.

    I see here the humor evident in my own household. My dad has continually drilled his wishes into my head to make me comfortable with the inevitability of his death because he knows I will be the one seeing them through. My sister is his named executor, but I - in a very real (if not literal) sense could be executioner. On life support? Pull the plug. Dies during a major surgical procedure? DNR. During sex? Roll him off her and make sure he's found with a smile on his face.

    its all been discussed. Where the most humor comes in for us is in disposing of his remains. He wants cremation and his ashes spread at home. I now tell him I will honor that, but not to be surprised if its right where I like to piss, but it better not be until after he finishes upgrading his house for me.

    I once heard that man is the animal that laughs. Lose that, and we lose our humanity.

    As for mass burials, well, the pigs' gotta eat too
    Consilio et animis


  5. #25
    I'll most likely shit myself

    bacpacker's Avatar
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    I grew up farming, fishing, hunting. I have saw and participated in death. I have many family and friends that have passed on, some when I was very young, other much more recent. Like Eagle said, living is part of dying. Really not good or bad, just another part of it. Yeah losing ones close to you hurts, sometimes that never goes away. But it doesn't change things. If cracking a joke helps someone deal with a loss, more power to them.
    As far as dealing with bodies, the owners will not be needing them any longer, so why not make things as sanitary as possible. Better that than invite disease. Lots of bodies would be very hard to deal with if no heavy equipment is available.

  6. #26
    CC Gray Panther
    eagle326's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bacpacker View Post
    I grew up farming, fishing, hunting. I have saw and participated in death. I have many family and friends that have passed on, some when I was very young, other much more recent. Like Eagle said, living is part of dying. Really not good or bad, just another part of it. Yeah losing ones close to you hurts, sometimes that never goes away. But it doesn't change things. If cracking a joke helps someone deal with a loss, more power to them.
    As far as dealing with bodies, the owners will not be needing them any longer, so why not make things as sanitary as possible. Better that than invite disease. Lots of bodies would be very hard to deal with if no heavy equipment is available.

    Hey son want to take that last jump with me ?

  7. #27
    I'll most likely shit myself

    bacpacker's Avatar
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    S7re. Just so you know, I'll most likely shit myself. ��

    Heights are not my favorite thing.

  8. #28
    For the Love of Cats

    Sniper-T's Avatar
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    I think shitting yourself would be the last of your worries on that last jump. And in the end, it will all be part of the same splat!

    I'd join you Eagle, but I think that with my shock absorbing coat, I may survive!

    Give a man fire, and he'll be warm for a day!
    Light a man on fire, and he'll be warm for the rest of his life!

    Cat's are food... not friends!

    If you're going to fight, then fight like you're the third monkey on the ramp into Noah's arc... and brother, it's starting to rain.

  9. #29
    CC Gray Panther
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sniper-T View Post
    I think shitting yourself would be the last of your worries on that last jump. And in the end, it will all be part of the same splat!

    I'd join you Eagle, but I think that with my shock absorbing coat, I may survive!

    Nice coat Sniper ! Yep you'll probably have a soft bounce. But I think you need to add just a few more furbies to be sure.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Sniper ; maybe you and Backpacker could help me out the door then. Oh and video tape my landing.

  10. #30
    I'll most likely shit myself

    bacpacker's Avatar
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    Some stranger read this and take us all for bat shit crazy. OTOH maybe we are.



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