Here's an excerpt from the newest entry of End Game.

“Gentleman, for the past thirty-six months we have fought a war to establish a land where social justice and harmony can be achieved. We've sent men into harm's way to carve out a country where goods and services are delivered to the people in the amount they need and as the are determined to need it. We've struck out at the old ways, the ways of corporate greed and white oppression. We've struck out to show that a collective society of equality can be created.”

As he took a brief pause to gauge the room, the men of the war council nodded their head in agreement. The irony that the entire war council were older white men, all financially well-off, appeared lost on the room.

“We've faced certain setbacks, we've faced obstacles. Many of your plans and schemes have failed resulting in the squandering of men and materiel. You've engineered great losses in the western theater and achieved little in the eastern. So far we've held our own, but only with the assistance of the United Nations troops who've joined in with their brothers in America.”

His voice remained soft and quiet, almost as if he were casually detailing some historical event. But to the Generals and Admirals in the room the message was a cutting as if he'd been in a full blown rage.

“But we can not rely on the peace keeping forces for the long-term. We must make our own destiny. Our situation is such that we need a master stroke, a game changer. We need a bold move that will cast the die in our favor.”
If you've been reading my stories about Miller as a guest we hope you'll follow the directions noted in post #13 of this thread and join the party. That will allow you to read the entire entry in the Stories forum.

Hope to see you there.