Here's a small part of the latest installment of End Game.

Crutchfield continued his lecture, “This plan was needed because of your failures General. The failures of this entire room.” His arm waved across the room to extenuate the point. “But despite your short comings you don't seem to show any gratitude for my work and vision.”

“Mr. President, must...” the General tried to interject.

“Enough!” Crutchfield's voice erupted across the room. “I'm taken the time to fix the mess you've created and all you can do is interrupt and stammer like a fool. The military exists to enforce the will of the leader and help implement social order! You people couldn't accomplish that simple task so I found someone who would.” His voice cracked as the last few words escalated from loud to full on scream.

All eyes in the room were fully fixed on Crutchfield at this point as his face turned crimson. He was known for being prickly, having a temper. Most of the military men in the room had experienced his cold wrath at one time or another, but the former American military men had never before seen this level of rage.

As the room briefly fell silent, and the General who was the subject of Crutchfield's rage did his best to dissolve into his chair, all of the men including the Russians and Chinese were startled when the leader of the rebellion bellowed out “guards!”
If you'd like to read the entire entry along the rest of the story please read the instructions on post #13 of this thread and then join in the fun.