Quote Originally Posted by ElevenBravo View Post
No sweat Kes, if the radio is good all the other stuff is nickle and dime... Not terribly unheard of for used gear. I bought my TenTech HF rig the same, no manual... no power cord... no mic. Have no regrets.

HF is moot for me aside from the sliver of 10m SSB that Techs get... and I am too damned old and slow to be smashing keys, and missing that section of my hearing to be chasing dits and dahs. You guys with the General licenses and up pretty much own everything from 10m up to 160m if I have this ARRL chart broken out properly... as well, as I have not found ANY transceivers in the 7000-7500 KHz band, although still looking at least for the rcvr side. I think I am a whole lot of study, or a SHTF event of national proportion, away from the xmtr side of that band. The study will, of course, come with time. So too will the SHTF event, or else we are all on here wasting time, effort, manpower and materials. Ideally the one will take place before the other.

"Kenny", once in-house and properly fed, won't suffer from disuse in the lack of a mike. I'll be scanning about, see what I can find.

One major thing about Ham prep that bothers me greatly is this excess reliance on repeaters. Repeaters that may or may not be present in the above national event. The HT's then become very good local radios and not much else.

Yes, very much cart before horse...