Quote Originally Posted by Sniper-T View Post
I've always used peroxide on wounds. what's the problem with it? What does everyone use instead?

Peroxide looks cool to use because of the fizzing.

The problem is that fizzing is the result of the peroxide blowing live cells apart. It literally causes the cell walls to rupture. Why would you want to do that?

Then, the dead cells are in the wound, at body temperature. You would be hard pressed to create a better incubator for bacteria than that.

For minor (i.e. you aren't thinking about going to the ED to get stitches) wounds, washing with running water (tap water is fine, if it is safe to drink) and getting all the foreign material out of the wound is best. If there is lots of dirt, then wash with soap too. In the ED I'd use saline and something like hibiclens scrub, because thats what we have, but there is no real evidence that it works any better than plain old soap and water.

There is a little evidence that keeping the wound kind of moist with something like an ointment helps speed healing. The various antiseptic ointments work that way. It doesnt matter in a typical incision what antibiotic you use. Petroleum jelly (Vaseline) would work as well. I keep a tube of the antibiotic ointment around because it's harder to contaminate than a jar of vaseline that someone stuck their booger-hook into.

This does not apply to big wounds, burns or things you need to see one of my colleagues for.

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Quote Originally Posted by Sniper-T View Post
Kind of like Dettol? That stuff used to be used in first aid, but on the label it gave mix ratios for mopping floors.

I may have to keep a bottle or two of HP around though. I always liked watching wounds fizz.
Dettol isn't a bad topical or surface disinfectant but some people are allergic to it.