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Thread: Bacon jerky!

  1. #11
    Do you have change for a canned bacon?

    AlphaTea's Avatar
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    YMMV but it has been my experience that beef is about the only thing worth making jerky out of.
    A gazillion years ago when I got my first dehydrator I was trying to dry everything and anything.
    Fruit, vegetables and various proteins. Most were edible but that may be subject to interpretation. I tried different seasonings and cures but then I realized that I actually preferred the el-cheapo store brand jerky from Walmart and Target over my own stuff.
    Then I had an epiphany. The cost to benefit ratio was not favorable for trying to make stuff on my own HOWEVER when SHTF finally does happen, I will have the resources and the experience necessary to preserve whatever surplus I have for even leaner times.
    I am experimenting with smoking meats like the great pioneers of the past.
    They say that the cockroaches will be the last creature alive on this earth.
    I intend on being the last person alive still stomping cockroaches.

  2. #12
    For the Love of Cats

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    I precooked the bacon in the oven on racks to get much of the fat off, and then into the dehydrator at 160 C for the night. I don't like leaving it unattended during the day when I am away (at max power), so I dropped it down to 130C for the day.

    When I got home, I emptied the dehydrator onto paper towels to blot, and cleaned all the trays. Reloaded and back on at 160C for the evening/night, and then back down to 130 for the next day.

    At this time, the bacon was very hard/crumbly, so I took a bunch and crumbled it and put it in an empty spice jar as bacon bits. I left the rest on the racks for a day, with the machine off.

    By the next day, it absorbed enough ambient moisture to return a good chew, so I packaged most of it up and put it in the fridge for ready use, but also took a few slices and bagged them and tossed them on a shelf in the pantry to test longevity.

    This all said, The thick cut was better, but none of it was really 'jerky' in the true sense, it is more like perfectly cooked and mostly fat free bacon.

    If I were to try again (and I am sure I will), I will buy a pound of uncut bacon and cut it myself to a solid 1/4" thick slices (or maybe a bit more) to see if that gives it a truer jerky texture.

    My favorite was the stuff that I dusted with Malabar black pepper prior to cooking. It held the pepper and the flavor and made the nicest bacon bits and 'jerky'. But then again, I love pepper.

    I also didn't get to make candied bacon this time around, but will on the next batch.

    The best part of the adventure was having a big bag of bacon in the fridge, ready to eat, or add to dishes being cooked. The wife approved too, as I made one mess of the kitchen and provided for our bacon needs for 2+ weeks. rather than frying up small batches more frequently.

    Alpha, I have successfully made Jerky out of every protein that I have access to, including duck, goose, chicken, pork, and fish. I prefer my own over store bought because mine isn't packed full of salt. typically, I use only herbs and spices and NO salt (or cure), which limits my shelf life, but I usually keep it in the freezer anyways. I also do a combination method, where I'll start in the dehydrator until it just starts to firm up, and then throw it in the smoker for about 4 hours with whatever type of wood(s) I fancy that day, and then back into the dehydrator to finish off (if necessary)
    Give a man fire, and he'll be warm for a day!
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    Cat's are food... not friends!

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  3. #13
    Do you have change for a canned bacon?

    AlphaTea's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sniper-T View Post
    ...I also do a combination method, where I'll start in the dehydrator until it just starts to firm up, and then throw it in the smoker for about 4 hours with whatever type of wood(s) I fancy that day, and then back into the dehydrator to finish off (if necessary)
    Hey thats a darn good idea! Im going to try that.

    As for "other" meats. chicken jerky was the most miserable failure I had. I cured/marinated for a day or so before starting. The finished product was like glass. Dog would not eat it.
    They say that the cockroaches will be the last creature alive on this earth.
    I intend on being the last person alive still stomping cockroaches.

  4. #14
    For the Love of Cats

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    dude... you gotta think like meat!

    if you cut chicken breast across grain, there is nothing to hold it together. It is stupid fall apart tender at the best of times... If you want to jerky it, angle cut the breast sharp to provide a steep meat slice that will jerky well. a tight cross cut just goes moosh! slice along the skin.

    similar to fish... filet like normal then slice with the skin to create drying slices.

    creates a chewy slice, as opposed to a tender munch!
    Give a man fire, and he'll be warm for a day!
    Light a man on fire, and he'll be warm for the rest of his life!

    Cat's are food... not friends!

    If you're going to fight, then fight like you're the third monkey on the ramp into Noah's arc... and brother, it's starting to rain.

  5. #15
    For the Love of Cats

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    Been over three months, and all the bacon bits and fridge bacon is long gone, but that small bag is still sitting on the shelf in my pantry. I opened it up yesterday, and pulled out a slice.

    It looked fine
    It smelled fine
    and it tasted fine.

    In fact no change from when I stored it 3+ months ago.

    I'm thinking this is a win!
    Give a man fire, and he'll be warm for a day!
    Light a man on fire, and he'll be warm for the rest of his life!

    Cat's are food... not friends!

    If you're going to fight, then fight like you're the third monkey on the ramp into Noah's arc... and brother, it's starting to rain.

  6. #16
    stark assed naked and butt to nut with no issues
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    i think im in love...
    Its fine to have one,
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