Here's some random tidbits from around here for local off grid...

We have Manitoba Hydro, as our electricity carrier. All based off our hydro electric dams, and sold to 1/2 of Canada, and a good chunk of US... and several big chunks more coming soon.

If I want to set up solar or wind systems of my own, they will not subsidize, but they will buy power from me at a 'decent' price. But, to do so... they tie in BEFORE my system, so I am cool in regular times, they buy my power and sell me theirs... but if part of the grid goes down, they still take my power first, and would ship back any surplus to me. Assuming a surplus.

I can set up all the solar I want, And go off grid if I want. but couldn't sell surplus to hydro this way. They would buy my power at x value, sell me theirs at y value. and if their supply went down, they stop supplying me

While it sounds great to sell your power to the giant, know, that they are paying you x-y for your power, but charging you x+y for theirs.
