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Thread: Water purification guide

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    I'll most likely shit myself

    bacpacker's Avatar
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    Water purification guide

    I found a article on water purification I thought was pretty good. Worth sharing here.
    I'm sure there are many other ways to purify water, but this covers a lot.

    Last Updated OCT 2015

    In an emergency, having safe drinking water is one of the most important elements to have in a crisis or survival situation. This pamphlet is designed to provide you with as many possible ways to make safe drinking water for you and your loved but in a compact format. Print on both sides and laminate it. Make as many copies as you wish and keep it where ever you may need it.

    There are two methods to purify water, filtering and Sterilizing. Each has their Pros & Cons.

    Filtering - is a method where you remove contaminates by means of a filtering device to clean your water. The biggest advantage with water filters, depending on the type, is it will make your water clearer, taste better and remove most harmful chemicals, metals, bacteria, protozoans (single celled organisms) and some viruses. The only downside with filters is that most viruses and some chemical compounds are so small that even top rated filters that can filter 99.95 of contaminates, can’t stop them.

    Sterilizing - is a method where harmful contaminates such bacteria, protozoans and viruses are neutralized by means of heat, chemical reaction or UV light. The biggest advantage with purifying is that when done properly, it will kill even the most resilient bacteria, protozoans and viruses. The biggest disadvantage with sterilizing is that they don’t remove dirty particles from the water which can affect taste or remove harmful contaminates such as chemicals, metals, etc.

    When making safe drinking water. It is ideal to use a combination of both filtering and styerilizing methods for best results. Below is a basic list of filtering and purifying/sterilizing methods.

    FILTERS – Generally there are 3 types of filters, basic, charcoal and ceramic.

    Basic (Marginal) – Basic can be a cloth, paper towels, coffee filters and so on. While they will remove large contaminates, they will not stop small organisms, bacteria, viruses or harmful chemicals. Always try to use clean basic filters whenever possible.

    Charcoal/Carbon (Good) – Charcoal based filters work by absorbing, trapping and breaking down most contaminants and is overall an excellent filter. They are most effective at removing sediments, most organic compounds, odor, bad taste but not minerals, salts and dissolved inorganic compounds. Typical particle sizes of carbon filters ranges from 0.5 to 50 micrometers. This will stop most contaminants but unfortunately not all. The efficiency of a Charcoal filter is also based upon the flow rate. Water that is allowed to flow slower through the filter will trap more contaminants. Filtering can also be increased with the use of Activated Charcoal, also know as Carbon. Carbon filters have been treated with oxygen which increases the amount of pores in the charcoal which increases the amount of contaminates it can absorb. Over time pores become clogged with contaminate which eventually reduces it’s filtering ability and eventually must be discarded. One advantage about charcoal is that you can make your own charcoal by packing wood in an air tight metal container and burning it in high heat 3-5 hrs for a (5 gal.) can or 7-8 hrs in a 30 gal. can or by collecting pieces of charcoal from burned out campfires.

    Ceramic (Best) – Ceramic filters are currently the best filters on the market. They work by having such small pores, that most contaminants can’t pass through them. Best filters have a pore size of 0.2 which will filter out 99.9% of all contaminated with the exception of very small viruses. The biggest advantage with ceramic filters is that can be clean and reused by scrubbing them with a scouring pad or light sandpaper. This gives them a very long life span. When cleaning, one must take care to make sure that the filter and the inside of the filter container are sterile before using. This can be done with a chlorine flush or long exposure to sun light. Do not boil. Also make sure filter is dry before reassembling as moisture can allow mold to grow inside.


    Boiling Water – Boiling water is one of the best and easiest methods of sterilizing water. Once water has reached the boiling point (212° F or 100° C) all pathogens will be killed and the water is safe to drink. If water can’t be brought to a boil, heating water to 160° F (70° C) for at least within 30 minutes will also kill all pathogens.

    Tablets – Tablets are one of the easiest ways to purify water and their small size and weight makes them very portable. There are two primary types of tablets, Iodine and Chlorine Dioxide.
    Iodine – The advantages of Iodine tablets is they can purify water (even murky water) in about 30 min. The disadvantage is that they can’t kill Cryptosporidium.
    Chlorine Dioxide – The advantage of Chlorine Dioxide tablets is that it will kill everything including Cryptosporidium. Although it will kill most pathogens in 30 minutes, it requires 4 hrs to kill Cryptosporidium. It’s also recommended that you keep the water out of direct sunlight when purifying as it can degrade the effectiveness of the chlorine dioxide.

    Both tablets tend to leave a chemical taste in the water. Letting the water air out will help the chemicals evaporate and improve taste.
    While tablets are great for traveling, they’re an expensive way to purify large quantities water. They have an average shelf life of about 4 years. (See Tablet Chart Instructions for dosage).

    Chlorine Bleach – Chlorine bleach is a simple way to purify water. Just add the appropriate amount (See Chlorine Mixing Solution chart), and wait at least 30 min before drinking. The only downside is that bleach has short lifespan of about 6 months.
    WARNING: DO NOT use bleach with additives such as scent or fabric softeners as these are POISONOUS! Use PURE bleach only!

    Calcium Hypochlorite [Ca(CIO)2] – This is commonly used as a pool shock but may also be used to purify water. Make sure you use the granular type as this easier to measure the amount you need. The process is done in 2 steps. First you mix it with water. DO NOT DRINK THIS! This mixture will turn into bleach. Follow the Calcium Hypochlorite Mixing Instructions chart to make your bleach. Once the bleach is made, it can now be used to purify water. Follow the Chlorine Mixing Instructions chart to purify your water. Keep in mind that once you have turned it into bleach, it will have a shelf life of about 6 months. So only make enough for your needs. Ca(CIO)2 has a shelf life of 1-2 years. One of the biggest benefits about Calcium Hypochlorite is that a little goes a long way and is a very cost effective way to purify large amounts of water. A pound can purify about 10,000 gallons of water.

    WARNING: USE ONLY CALCIUM HYPOCHLORITE!!! Other pool shock treatment such as Sodium Hydroxide is a form of Cyanide and is POISONOUS! Ca(CIO)2 will slowly degrade and release corrosive and hazardous chlorine gas. Store in plastic or glass waterproof container only in a dry well-ventilated area away from heat, sunlight and liquids. Keep away from combustible materials such as oil, kerosene, gas, paint thinner, ammonia as contact could result in an explosion and/or fire.

    UV Light/Sunlight – UV light from the sun or artificial UV-light can be used to sterilize water and can kill 99.9% of all viruses, bacteria and protozoans. It works by disrupting the DNA in organisms, leaving them unable to functions, thus killing them.
    One method is to use an artificial UV light source such as a SteriPen. These devices can sterilize a liter of water in 1-1/2 minutes which is one of the fastest methods know to purify water. The biggest advantage is it is very simple and can be used under any condition. Biggest down side is that they are expensive initially but become very cost effective in the long term. One quick note, SteriPen’s most expensive models Defender/Protector and the military version are made in the USA.
    UV radiation from natural sunlight can also be used to purify water as well but takes a very long time to work. First use only clear (Pet-1) plastic beverage bottle. Avoid Pet-1 bottles that are severely scratched, or are cloudy in color as they can reduce the amount of UV reaching the water. Do not use colored pet-1, glass or other plastic bottles as they will reduce UV sunlight in sufficient quantities as to make them ineffective for purifying. Do not use bottles larger than 2 liters. Smaller ½ or 1 liter bottles are ideal. At a depth of 0.5 inches, UV light effectiveness is reduced by 25% in clear water and 50% in moderately cloudy water. Lay it on the ground in direct sunlight and expose it to the sun for at least 6 hrs to 8hrs for 2 liter bottles. Water should be safe by then. Temperature does not affect exposure time unless the water freezes. If possible, lay a sheet of aluminum foil or other reflective material under the bottles as this will increase chances of sterilization.

    MIOX Purifier – MIOX technology is a chemical generator that uses an electrolysis process to convert salt water into chlorine which can then be used to purify your water. This technology was uses for large scale purification but recently a small portable version has been made by MSR MIOX. The device works by pouring a small amount of water in the device. You then close the top cap which contains salt rock. Then shake to create a salt water mix. You then push the button to activate the generator and convert the salt water into chlorine. Chlorine concentration can be increase to purify from 0.5 to 4 liters. Like the SteriPen, they are expensive but very economical in the long run compared to tablets.

    Silver – Silver has been known as a purifier for thousands of years, primarily for its antibacterial capability. It’s why silver was popular for use in water pitchers and utensils. Settlers heading out often put silver coin in water barrels to keep the water clean. As stated, silver is mostly effective against bacteria and algae, and to a lesser extent, protozoans and viruses. Although claims on this are somewhat mixed. However, it’s slow to take effect. A quicker way to purify is with Colloidal Silver. CS is silver that has been ionized in water. In this state silver can react much more quickly with contaminates. CS is also known for is medicinal ability to cure multiple illnesses. However, claims on this are mixed as well but some swear by it. CS can also be made at home by placing 2 pure silver metal rods an inch apart in a glass of distilled water attached to as CS generator or 3 9-volt batteries connected to each other in a series (27 volts).

    Distilling – Distilling is perhaps the only method that filters and purifies water at the same time. A distiller works by capturing steam at the top of the distiller and then redirecting it through a coiled tube to allow the steam to cool. By the time the steam has reached the end of the tube, it has condensed to pure water. The biggest disadvantage is that distillers are not easy to find and takes some skills to make. They are also not very mobile. However, a survival distiller can be made by digging a hole in the ground until you have moisture. Next place a cup in the center of the hole, then the cover the hole with a clear sheet of plastic. Last, place a small rock on top of the plastic and in the center. As the water evaporates, moisture will collect on the plastic in the form of water droplets. The droplets will then run down toward the rock and drip into the cup. This will work only in sunlight.


    This chart is designed as a Quick Reference Chart for purifying water.

    Before you begin to filter and purify your water, you must first collect it. Here are some tips that will help you in collecting the best water as possible. Following these rules will help maximize the effectiveness of your sterilizers and reduce the work load on your filters, thus extending their life.

    1. Obviously, always try to collect the clearest water as possible. Dirtier the water, the hard it is for the purifiers to work.
    2. Collect moving water first. Turbulence in the water generally will kill most organisms or at least prevent or slow them down from multiplying. They will also help breakdown and dilute other contaminates. Moving water from creeks and rivers are less likely to have contaminates in wilderness and rural areas but in city areas they must be approached with more caution. Generally the farther downstream you are the more polluted the water is likely to be.
    3. If you must collect standing water. Try to collect it from the largest source as possible. The smaller it is, the greater the chance it will contain harmful organisms.
    4. If possible try to collect water from the center of the source. Most contaminates tend to congregate near the top, bottom and the edges of a water source.
    5. If no filtering sources are available, allow the water to sit for 30 min. This will allow contaminates to settle on the bottom.

    There are two primary methods to make safe drinking water, filtering and sterilizing. Each has their pros and cons. Filtering is designed to remove as many harmful contaminates as possible but are unable to remove very small organisms such as some viruses. Purifying is design to kill harmful organisms but do not remove harmful contaminates such as chemicals. For best results it’s ideal to use both filters and purifying methods. Use cloth over your filter intakes to extend the life of your filters.

    FILTERS – One of the most of the most important elements to understanding the capability of your filter is knowing the size of the pores of your filter. Pore size is rated in “Microns. The chart below showing the size of Pathogen families can help you determine the effectiveness of your filter. Currently the best filters on the market have a pore size on 0.2 microns which can remove 99% of organisms. Unfortunately most viruses are simply too small for even the best filters to remove effectively.
    [*]The following was put in a chart but was lost when posting to this forum

    Family Known Germs Size Range
    Protozans (Single cell animals) Amoeobiasis, Giardia, Crytosporidium 1- 15 microns
    Bacteria E-Coli, Samonella, Cholera 0.2 - 5 microns
    Viruses Hepatitis A, Norwalk, Rotavirus, Poliovirus 0.2 - 0.02 microns

    TYPE COST Capacity Microns Pros Cons
    Charcoal/Carbon Varies Varies 50- 0.5 *Removes odors and improves
    quality of taste. *Can also remove some chemicals
    that ceramics can't. *Cheaper than most ceramic
    filters. *Shorter life compared to
    *Until recently, the smallest pore size was 0.5 microns. But new production methods for carbon has brought pore sizes down to 0.2 micron. However, these are not widely available and are more expensive.
    Notes: *Charcoal is made from wood. Carbon is manufactured. *Activated is a term where the charcoal/carbon has
    been treated with oxygen to increase the number
    of pores which increases the absorption ability of
    the filter.
    *Carbon Block filters have the greatest surface area
    and smallest pores making it the most effective.

    TYPE COST Capacity Microns Pros Cons
    Ceramic High 300-13,000 gal. 0.5 - 0.2 *Can be clean and reused.
    *Can filter large quantities of
    *Pore size as low as 0.2 microns
    which can filter almost all
    harmful organisms except very
    small viruses. *Filters are expensive but long life
    and large filtering capability
    makes them very cost effective
    long term.
    *Not as efficient of filtering out
    chemicals compared to charcoal.
    *Some ceramic filters, such as Katadyn, contain silver
    as an anti-bacterial and protozoa agent.
    *When cleaning, make sure filter is bone dry before
    reusing. If not possible, can be flushed with chlorine.
    Do not boil.

    Note: Some manufactures sell a combo ceramic and carbon filter to offer the best of both worlds.
    STERILIZERS – Whenever possible, boiling water should always be your first choice when purifying your water. Chemical and battery operated purifiers will eventually run out. It’s best to use these only when boiling water is not possible.

    Boiling Instructions Notes:
    Boiling water for 1 minute will kill all harmful Protozoa (Single cell animals), bacteria and viruses. Whenever possible, boiling water should always be your first choice when purifying your water. Chemical and battery operated purifiers will eventually run out. It’s best to use these only when boiling water is not possible.

    Pros - Boiling is the best way to purify water and can be done almost anywhere.
    Cons – Must be able to make fire and is difficult to do in bad weather.

    Tablet Mixing Solutions Notes:
    Iodine - 2 tablets per liter *Ready to drink in 30 min.
    *Does not kill Cryptosporidium
    Chlorine Dioxide - 1 tablet per liter *Kill most pathogens in 30 min but needs 4 hrs to kill Giardia and Cryptosporidium.
    *Keep out of direct sunlight when purifying.
    Pros - Very light-weight, portable and very easy to use. Can be bought in small quantities.
    Cons - Leaves chemical taste in the water. Expensive for purifying large quantities.
    Special Note: Manufacture instructions may vary. Follow manufacture’s instruction first. Use this Tablet chart as back-up.

    Calcium Hypochlorite Mixing Instructions To Make Bleach Ca(CIO)2 Special Notes:
    1/4 tea spoon makes 2L of bleach *Use "High Test (HTH)" Calcium Hypochlorite of at least 68% or higher
    1/2 tea spoon makes 1 gal. of bleach *Ca(CIO)2 is corrosive and hazardous. Avoid skin contact and inhalation.
    1 tea spoon makes 2 gal. of bleach *Use of mask and glove is recommended. Mix in well ventilated areas.
    *Keep away from combustible material. Potentially explosive when mixed
    WARNING: Use ONLY Calcium Hypochlorite. Other forms of pool shock are poisonous!
    Pros - Excellent for purifying large quantities of water and is very cheap.
    Cons - Chemical is corrosive and caution must be used to handle and store. Not Ideal if you're on the move.

    Chlorine Mixing Instructions Notes:
    1% - 10 drops per 1 liter (7-9 months) *USE PURE BLEACH ONLY!
    *These instructions are based on common house bleach which contains an average of
    5.25% chlorine and is less than 6 month old. If age of bleach is unknown, use 1% chart. *Add bleach to water and stir or shake well. Wait at least 30 min. before drinking.
    *If the presence of Giardia and Cryptosporidium is suspected, it is recommended to
    wait 4 hours before drinking.
    *If water is cloudy, double the dosage.
    *In cold weather, allow and addition 20 min for every 10' below 60'double dosage. *Keep out of direct sunlight when purifying as it can degrade the effectiveness of
    4-6% 2 drops per 1 liter (1-6 months)
    7-10% - 1 drop per 1 liter
    1% - 40 drops (5/8 teaspoon) per 1 gal.
    4-6% 8 drops (1/8 teaspoon) per 1 gal.
    7-10% 4 drops per 1 gal.
    1 cup will treat 6.25 gal. of water
    2 cups will treat 12.5 gal of water
    1/4 gal. will treat 25 gal. of water.
    1/2 gal. will treat 50 gal. of water
    1 gal. will treat 100 gal. of water
    WARNING: Do not use any chlorine with additives such as scent or fabric softeners as these are poisonous
    Pros - Very common, easy to get and fairly inexpensive.
    Cons - Very short shelf life. Effective use is about 6 months (max 9 months) before concentration starts to degrade

    Sunlight UV - Weather Condition Minimum Exposure Time Notes:
    Sunny - Less than 50% cloud cover 6 hrs (8 hrs for 2-L bottles) *Use only clear (Pet-1) plastic beverage bottles. *Do not use other plastic or glass as they can
    reduce enough UV light to make it ineffective. *Lie bottle on ground. Do not stand up.
    *Put aluminum foil underneath to increase
    effectiveness of purification.
    Cloudy - More than 50% cloud cover, 2 days
    little or no rain
    Continuous rainfall Unsatisfactory, use rain water
    Pros - Very easy to do. Can use when no other methods are available.
    Cons - Very long purification time.

    Dehydration is your biggest threat to your survival. So drinking safe water should always be you #1 priority. As we all know, drinking untreated water can cause one to become sick. Often this will cause vomiting and diarrhea which can lead to dehydration very quickly and threaten your survival. To minimize this, it’s always best to carry anti-diarrhea medication.

  2. #2

    2die4's Avatar
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    Everywhere and no where
    I used the bleach guidelines and made laminated index cards to stick in packs. Makes a nice little hand reference.
    I don’t have “hobbies” I’m developing a robust Post-Apocalyptic skill set.

  3. #3
    I'll most likely shit myself

    bacpacker's Avatar
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    Real nice tip

  4. #4
    Senior Member

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    This post is one of the best posts ever! It brings all the various methods together in one place. I particularly liked the tips on collecting water from different sources.

  5. #5
    Do you have a robot?
    realist's Avatar
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    Copied and filed, thanks
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    So if it is predictable and preventable then you better prepare.



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