I haven't sniper, but it'll be a good read. I learned a lot while I was studying for my horticulturalist apprenticeship (I finished level two... Deciding if I'm gonna finish three and go for my red seal or not).

And I don't doubt for one bit when I read about herbal medicines and the like, but I'd rather here from people who have actually tried it and what they thought of it.

For example, I use pineapple weed religiously for mosquito and black fly repellent. It's a part of the chamomile family and is edible, by why waste a good skeeter deterrent as a garnish on a salad or in a tea. When I use it however, for the first 2-3 minutes I get real itchy where I have applied it. Lol the first time I used it I thought to myself, "oh shit... I've done it now". But when the itching went away I was amazed at how well it worked while I was puttering around in my skeeter infested back yard. I had to re-apply it throughout the day, which did not cause more itchiness, which is ok cuz there's a shit ton growing in my sidewalk, but I was happy no chemical companies made a dime off me.

Personal experience with these remedies is what I was more hoping for