Quote Originally Posted by jamesneuen View Post
the government is stupid enough to sabotage itself.
Its been going on for too long already, its like the turd that is circling the bowl caught in the swirl and cant escape, eventually it goes down the tube.

Spend more than you make, raise taxes, print more money which reduces the buying power, repeat over and over and the turd eventually flushes.

This country is in fact a soft fascist state and that is a recipe for disaster.

It started with Jekyel Island (Sp?) and been swirling for doom ever since.. It actually started sooner but that was a turning point. We have been on the racetrack to financial destruction since before my birth...

I think his observations are pretty accurate, and if there is a matrix down situation to be had, I think this is the most probable.

The progressives are all about BIG gov and they know whats best for us and pass laws, raise taxes to push there agenda. There mindset is askew, I honestly think they are not in touch with us, the people. I know they dont represent ME. But, the problem is... they are in charge.