Quote Originally Posted by realist
It is a short interesting book which some of us have wondered when it would happen. People think okay it's over but when you see the big picture and can get the government to over react then they have won.
There is a body of people whose thought, once they perused this, would, in part, very much be of the Westboro Baptist mindset, although they mostly are atheists, or, at best, very egotistic agnostics. That being, of course that "America deserved this..."

The other part, being, of course... "...so let us take over and rule things properly."

If the regime let BHO read this, he would be pissed that someone tumbled onto his recurring fascist/socialist wet dream.

The author is now a DHS/TSA/alphabet soup POI, bet on it.

To the gummint, this is not over-reacting. This is a Raulism of the highest order.

Forget the "temporary" in CH. 14. Nothing so permanent as a nationally "temporary" problem.

All those EO's and declarations uttered at once would have one sure result:

There would be a civil war.

The several states that would scream Constitutional violations would then be treated as hostile territory.

Vegas would be dead in a week. Far too much after dark goings-on to stand a curfew, and too many unions out here that would be instant finks.

I have it out of the cloud and in my kindle at the moment. Any one know a .mobi - to - .rtf converter program?