Quote Originally Posted by ElevenBravo View Post
Clicking out... I havent read yet...
What part of "spoiler alert...do not read" did you not understand??? You definitely should put it on the top of your list, as this type of scenario is going on today, maybe not in this country, but other country's right now! But if you are not reading this thread, you will not know this. But SERIOUSLY people, this is happening right now. This is why every citizen who is able to legally carry a gun, be trained and possibly deputized, to be able to act at a moments notice. Everything in the book is only a crazy radicals whim away from happening. I would stake my life on the notion there sleeper cells here now just waiting for the coded message. Then they will strike...but where and how we don't know. The rape of the school girl happens every day in the Middle East I'm sure. They don't care about women or girls at all. This could possibly soon be your daughter being raped and killed. How can we prepare for the coming war they have told us is coming? They tell us they WANT to do this to Americans. Are all Muslem people in this country terrorists as some groups tell us, I don't think so...but how do we know. Hitler kept telling us he was all for peace at all cost even as he ran over Europe killing thousands.