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Thread: BREAKING NEWS -SUpreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia Dead at age 79

  1. #21
    I'll most likely shit myself

    bacpacker's Avatar
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    East Tennessee
    Well put Fixer, and oh so true.

  2. #22
    may be in trouble

    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gunfixr
    Something like this was coming, all along.
    We have been too fat and too lazy for too long. We have forgotten what freedom and responsibility means, or entails.
    By "we", the country at large. The majority of the assembled here in this forum... not so much.

    Quote Originally Posted by Gunfixr
    It will take being "screwed" to get the reset. Not to mention, nothing ever stays the same.
    So, we prepare as best we can, and get through it as best we can. We need to be alive and thriving on the other side, if we want to have any influence on what comes after.

    Because, after all, this, too, shall pass.
    All true. But let us not be eager for it: worshipping destruction, rapine and death is the province of the creatures that set all this dire crap in motion in the first place.

  3. #23
    CC Gray Panther
    eagle326's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Stg1swret View Post
    This adds a lot of complexity to the primary process. The big question is can the Senate delay long enough so that the newly elected president can pick a justice. If the Democrats win in November, or it is Trump, Bush or Kasick we are truly screwed.
    Yes the Senate can delay until after the election. Both Obama & Schumer have been on record as to this situation along with the history of this throughout our country's history. A quick Google will tell you all you need to know.
    But the real question is ; Does he have the balls to do it ? Well in my world and my world alone I see the Left at one pulpit and the right at another pulpit. But in reality they both speak from the same pulpit. It's all about distraction of observation. By keeping the populace's heads confused by all the different so - called and by the way created problems they can control the narrative.

    So in the end ; yes it can be done legally and constitutionally but as I've stated ; Does the Senate leader have the balls to do it . Only time will tell and I always prep for the dark side that way if things turn out good I'm at least ahead of their game. If not then I'm not surprised or behind the 8 ball as they say.

    Just my 2 cents

  4. #24
    I'll most likely shit myself

    bacpacker's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by eagle326 View Post
    Well in my world and my world alone I see the Left at one pulpit and the right at another pulpit. But in reality they both speak from the same pulpit. It's all about distraction of observation. By keeping the populace's heads confused by all the different so - called and by the way created problems they can control the narrative. Just my 2 cents
    Exactly what I have said for years, R or D different sides of the same worn out coin! I am not sure it much matter who wins the next election The past 2 R's have given us a very shitty economy, plenty of debt, and loss of our freedoms. The past 2 D's, pretty much the same plus giving so much tech to China (Clinton) and just flat out attempt at giving our country to illegals (obummer).
    Trump, hitlery, bern, bush, Rubio I wouldn't give you a dime for the difference. The SC has been stacked during this period and I think this may be the appointment that actually breaks the constitution and us along with it.

  5. #25
    looking at their tools while posting pictures of mine.
    Domeguy's Avatar
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    I just fear that this may be the straw that DOES break the cammels back. A far left leaning judge may stack the deck for the next decade. We are already a country that sees nothing wrong with 18 trillion dollars of debt, the country for the most part thinks they are entitled to free everything...its owed to them. We are teetering on that very edge right now, and Obamas judge can be THE STRAW that tips the scale from which we can never recover from. When the government keeps giving, the country will keep taking...and then what happens on that first day when the government has no more to give?

  6. #26
    I'll most likely shit myself

    bacpacker's Avatar
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    The reason we do what we do. The unknown, exactly what or how it happens.

  7. #27
    looking at their tools while posting pictures of mine.
    Domeguy's Avatar
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    about 20 minutes outside Lynchburg, TN...but which way...
    Exactly my point!

  8. #28
    He's old and grumpy, but not fat. He'll be right back...he has to go tell some kids to get off his lawn

    Stg1swret's Avatar
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    It is a crap shoot at best. Roberts was supposed to be a conservative justice, and look how that turned out. All we can do is pray for the best, and prepare for the worst.
    We have been heading down the wrong path for years. The question is are we going to turn around, or rush headlong over the cliff up ahead.
    "There are no winners in war, only bigger losers"

    If you see me or hear me coming, I'm not doing my job.



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