Quote Originally Posted by Kesephist View Post
eagle326: "cannon fodder"

Must disagree. The described generation barely knows about firing anything larger than a weapon on a videogame, never mind a cannon... and would break and run at the least imperilment to their hides.

The very few who would not, and are at something useful, I have deep sympathy for. Especially the ones in uniform these past seven years. Zampolits instead of officers, and a CINC that isn't. Poor souls.

What's the saying... "The future is now."?

& such great fun it is to watch , ainit? Able to do little more than survive it and hope that of those so very few younger ones, there will be enough to rebuild without the crack of the whip and the clank of chains.

KI7CIL, Tech Class
Your 1st. sentence was exactly my point.Back in the old days Generals would throw all the bodies they had at the enemy. And they in turn would unleash the cannons and muskets or rifles in later times and decimate the on rushing hordes of enemy.

Thus the term ( cannon fodder )