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Thread: We got problems in the future....

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  1. #1
    For the Love of Cats

    Sniper-T's Avatar
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    The Great White North!
    ^ Good point!

    That is something I see often while out in the outdoors... it is easy to determine who worked to buy their toys (sleds/quads/boats/etc) and those who are either using mommy's and daddy's, or were given them by M&D.
    Give a man fire, and he'll be warm for a day!
    Light a man on fire, and he'll be warm for the rest of his life!

    Cat's are food... not friends!

    If you're going to fight, then fight like you're the third monkey on the ramp into Noah's arc... and brother, it's starting to rain.

  2. #2
    Wants you to "look at what he's holding tonight".

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    East Texas
    Quote Originally Posted by Caveman Survival View Post
    Helomech... but what is government there for then. It is elected by the people for the people. I get what you are saying, but the alternative is horrifying. Wounded vets should not get aid, and should have to fend for themselves? The disabled (mentally and physically) should also fend for themselves? The sick? The poor and destitute? Is it really a dog eat dog world in your estimation? This is the real crux of capitalism.
    Throughout your last election Trump appealed to the middle class, blue collar worker who was upset that there were no jobs, no future. Trump said he would bring jobs back to America, stop work from leaving. And the people voted for him... yet is this not .gov intervention. Not only that, but the reason that jobs left to go overseas (manufacturing and production) wasn't that things were so bad on this side of the pond, but because profit margins could be made larger for share holders when utilizing cheap labour in places like china, Korea, Singapore, and India. So jobs left... of course they did. That is the premise of capitalism - to increase your profit margin no matter the cost. There is no social responsibility to be had or account for. Then when jobs leave, people at home lose their work. Then the blame gets put on donkeys or elephants (depending on who is in office at the time). But in reality, it's the system at fault... one that is vigorously defended by true patriots fearful of anything even remotely associated with the colour red.

    I will make one example. I hear all the time about education, how it's not fair that some people get it subsidized and not others (being aboriginal, believe me, I hear it a lot). I think we can all agree that the rising cost of education, which many are privately owned capital corporations, is out of hand. I have heard of student loans (which are .gov aided) can amount to 10s of thousands of dollars. Students are getting out of school already burdened with 40-70k worth of debt... and entering workforces that are not even close to reflecting that type of pay. So people have two options, get saddled with that debt that they will not be able to pay off, along with purchase cars and houses so that they can participate in a capitalist society, or they can choose to by-pass further education. More and more people Are choosing option number 2. Enrolment rates have dropped consistently since 2014. Which is sad because a college grad earns 2x the wage of a high school grad. This means there is less money going in to the capitalist machine. More people are working poor, which means less luxury items will be purchased, which means profit margins will fall, which means more work will get shipped overseas. It's an ugly circle.

    Let's not even talk about the cost that less people going to school has on a society. Less income = higher propensity for crime. Less education = less innovation = Country losing ground in production and manufacturing to countries that are investing in its people. I would rather live in a country of educated people than in one full of lol'ers and omg'ers. In fact, not helping the lower class actually hurts the very principles of capitalism. Makes you think, eh?

    I don't mean to sound like I'm picking a fight, I am truly not. I am just saying that to rule out a government's responsibility to its people is dangerous, and people should be careful what they ask for

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    It's duties are listed in the constitution. None of the listed powers are healthcare, and there is no right to someone else's services. Making someone work for free is slavery. Plain and simple. People need to be responsible for themselves and there loved ones. Our government is has very few enumerated powers, this is not one of them. I don't want to be taxed like yall are.

    will respond more later, I have 10 minutes to get to work.
    "When injustice becomes law, resistance becomes DUTY!" - Thomas Jefferson



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