I will make this easy. I don't believe government should subsidize anything, or give ANY money or aid to individuals. The federal government has very few powers that are given to it by the federal government, and that is all it should do. Nothing with education, nothing with healthcare, nothing with businesses (except to remove lots of regulation). People and private groups need to help each other out. Shriner's hospital, Texas children's hospital are perfect examples. Private organizations are 1000's of times better at doing things. I don't need the government stealing money out of my check, damn sure not at the levels yall have to pay.

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Quote Originally Posted by Caveman Survival View Post
Vodin ... no, it's not slavery. Slavery is being forced to work without reparations or renumerations. It may be dictatorial but not slavery.

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Yes it is slavery, I am being forced to work for free. I make X amount of dollars per hour, the feds take a portion of that without my consent, it is either slavery, or theft.

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Quote Originally Posted by Caveman Survival View Post
Helo - You are talking constitution, I am talking capitalism. But since it is brought up let me bring this up...

"We the People of the United States in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.”

The premise of the constitution is laid out in the preamble. I point specifically to 'promote the general welfare' . To me (admittedly a non U.S. citizen of North America) this allows for education and health care for the masses. This does not go against the constitution, but it solidifies it.

I also chuckle at your statement "... there is no right to someone else's services. Making someone work for free is slavery..." especially when your constitution was drafted and signed in while your country promoted and actively built its dominance from slavery. The inequalities that breed from vigorous capitalism do not go unnoticed.

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That clause has been beat to death. And it was never meant for any of this.

“Congress has not unlimited powers to provide for the general welfare, but only those specifically enumerated.”
-Thomas Jefferson

Don't get you point on slavery. It is over, past is the past, nothing can be done about that. I think you believe slavery played a bigger part in our history than it actually has. Slavery was never the backbone of our country.