Okay look at California
Their University of California which is run by Janet Napolitano is under fire for hiding money, miss spending money and paying the administrators too much. All the while the little people get hammered with higher tuition and cuts.

Then you can look at my junior college district where the majority of the instructors are adjunct faculty. BTW that is a fancy word for part-time. Well they have directors for the various programs, i.e. three for public safety academies, fire academy and ems academy. Well we just found out all these people are no longer directors but as now classed as deans. What does that mean it is only right they get paid the same so we will give them all a 32% raise. But the adjunct faculty who took a pay cut of $10 per hour five years ago has yet to get it back.

It all gets down to haves and haves not. If you look at Communism and Socialism on paper they may look good to some but history shows it is always the elite who make out. This is gained by the people who are the workers and pay taxes.