Like I said, this was solar generator 1.0. Did it work, yes it did. Would I change things, yes I would. I would make the box a bit larger, mainly to give the inverter a bit more wiggle room and to give more room for a hand to fit on the bottom. I Mwould make it weather resistant, and do something to keep it portable. I just left to on the bed of the truck due to its weight, and if there was the threat of rain, I covered it with a tarp. I meant to install handles, but forgot. More batteries could be added, but would need to be outside, then wired into the batteries on the inside. The solar panel was large and heavy to move, but I wanted and needed the extra power punch that a small solar panel just wouldn't provide. One way to increase the size of this for more power, while still keeping it portable, might be to put 6-8 batteries in a wooden cradle in the bed of the pickup truck to keep them from sliding around. Then connect them to the power box, and have a total of 2-3 full sized solar panels, wired together and laying down flat across the bed of the truck. They wouldn't get the best direct sunlight, but they would get a lot. And they could be made to raise up some to face the sun if needed, bit I'm thinking of keeping it simple. So this would give me 12 volts with 600-800Ah with about 700 watts of incoming solar energy to keep it all charged. But then you are talking about a system that would be big enough where a trailer starts to make sense. I like electricity, and want to be able to take it with me. I guess in just getting old enough where I want to have my cake and be able to eat it too!