So, growing up be had certain plants that we would partly harvest and others that we harvested completely.

Wild Onions, we would leave one entire plant every 3 feet and this seemed to give plenty of seeds to give us the same yield each year.

Blackberries, we would harvest all of them but we would selectively prune in the fall to get rid of the "leachers", and then weave the main stems into a fence around the border of the garden. Kept out small animals and was also productive.

Strawberries, we would harvest the entire plant, pull it but then cut a nice big one into quarters and replant it in the fall. Had a good yield every year, but we had to pull and reposition them once they started to grow in the spring to spread them out.

peppers, we would pull the seeds out, let them dry and then store them in a mason jar to replant in the spring.

Trees always just did their own thing and we would pull off everything that wasn't destroyed. (we never sprayed)

Grapes, same things as blackberries, but we would end up scraping the bark in certain parts and grafting branches onto those parts so that they didn't end up just getting a long hard stem that didn't produce for the first few feet.

I grew up in Indiana, so the winters were pretty mild and if it froze too hard and killed the seeds we never worried about having to get more. All we planted were heirloom style because that was all we knew. I never even knew they sold seeds for plants that didn't reproduce on their own. I didn't know that seedless watermelon was a breed. I thought they were just picked small and early.

What else do you guys do?