This is a post I made on a California board and is in regards to an earthquake throwing us into SHTF. Not bad enough for a TEOTWAWKI. It is meant to be a a bit of an exercise for you to check your preps. Don't think that we in Kommiefornia are the only ones subject to earthquakes, remember the New Madrid quake!

So here is the scenario:

Three seconds after your read this thread a large quake hits your area. The rolling and shaking lasts 45 seconds and it was a 7.5 on the Richter scale. Of course you don't know it was a 7.5 because your electricity is off. Water mains somewhere are broken and you have no water pressure. Your gas line is broken and you have no natural gas for heating/cooking/hot water. You go to call the electric company but your phone line is dead. Grab your cell phone but the circuits are jammed and you can not make a call. Your home has several cracks, perhaps some damage but is still habitable. You walk outside and you can see that there are some fires burning, fortunately not in your immediate area. Sirens are blaring all around.

How much water do you have NOW? How many days do you think it will last? What will you do for a toilet?

What is your food supply? How will you cook it? Do you have a camp stove or other means of cooking? How long will you survive on the food in your house RIGHT NOW? Do you think the markets will have much on hand, even if you can get there?

Can you buy anything even if you get to a retailer or someone selling? Credit card readers are down. Cash is the only means to buy (some barter may take place I understand that). How much cash do you have on hand?

As roads may be blocked for a few days you may not go anywhere for sometime. Once they become passable, how much gas in your tank? Think you will buy gas? The stations pumps will not work. Do you have some fuel stored? Be careful where and how you store gasoline!

What is the extent of the damage overall? Turn on your radio and find the news. You do have a battery or crank powered radio? How long will those batteries last? Do you have a stock of extra batteries for it and your flashlights?

What about night time lighting? Candles can be dangerous.

Do you have a generator? Fire that up in an urban or suburban area and chances are someone will want and attempt to take it.

This is meant simply as an exercise to evaluate where you are in your preparations for a natural disaster. OK, go take stock of your preps NOW.