When the wife and I move up north in a few months she wants to buy a house and my only condition was that it have at least 4+ acres with it.

I want to build a greenhouse as an outbuilding. But I have a few concerns.

1. I don't think it could handle the snow they get in Northern Michigan some years. I have frequently had to go on the In-laws roof and shovel it off for them.

2. I don't think it would stay warm enough when the high's are still in the negatives some days.

3. Not sure how I would heat it reliably if it doesn't stay cold enough

4. If plants "bloom" during dead of winter how would I pollinate them apart from doing every single one by hand?

5. Does anyone know how well it would work to incorporate a small bee hive into the side? During the summer, keep both sides open, then during the winter when most hives retreat and "sleep" only keep open the greenhouse side?