Soap is an area I am probably lacking in, so this is a very timely thread for me.

We do keep at least one multibar pack on hand, say 10-20 bars. I think the wife get dial, although I wouldn't swear to that. Probably need to bump that up to at least 5 multi packs , or more.
We keep a couple of the large economy size bottles of Dawn dish soap, probably should triple that or more.
Laundry soap is bought in the largest containers were can get and generally have two of them on hand.
I try and keep a gallon of GoJo in the basement. I can get nasty just thinking about working on something. Need to triple that at least.
We always keep 2-3 cases of asswipes stocked up. I'm thinking need to up that to 5 or more.
After following a few threads about soap on here that people have made, the cost to produce it, and the effectiveness of it. I intend at some point to start making our own as well. For the same amount of money we spend in a year, we could probably make 5 years or more worth.