We have a LARGE supply of personal hygiene products. Bins and bins of soaps, same for shampoos, TP, toothpaste, dental floss, mouth wash, feminine hygiene products, anti-bacterial wipes and gels, tooth brushes, dental picks, loofahs and loofah gloves... You name it we are stocked at least for a year in it... Enough for a family of 4 (we have five in the family but I guarantee one of them will kick the bucket immediately after shtf lol.) I make sure I hit every deal that I run across. Most of the stuff are things that we use daily and not just random stuff (although I do have a secret stash of no name crap too... Extra insurance that the wife doesn't know about -or vetoed.)

Do we have enough for an end of civilization scenario? Nope. But by then it won't really matter much and there will be a shit ton of other things to worry about . But for short to medium timelines we have them with bartering in mind.


Patriotism is a pernicious, psychopathic form of idiocy. – George Bernard Shaw

To me, it seems a dreadful indignity to have a soul controlled by geography. – George Santayana