Quote Originally Posted by realist View Post
Any good investigator should be able to write a search warrant for the storage container with a little additional checking. If the suspect is a known burglar that may be all that is needed. If nothing else a good investigator will just do a knock and talk to get in and in most cases will get the stuff back. As for prosecution the knock and talk no, the search warrant yes you will get prosecution. However now in our state a lot of these crimes are now misdemeanors and no one is going to jail. So unless this suspect is a serial burglar then you might get the stuff back but little if no jail time.
Good luck

first off - investigators don't write search warrants - they are granted by a judge after quite a few people put their balls on the line that a whole bunch of check offs have been done .... check offs that wouldn't even get started when a case revolves around an amatuer Sam Spade playing cop .... you'd land up getting investigated more than anything else ....

one of the Baltimore cops is getting the final word today - possibly guilty of wrongful arrest and responsible for Grey's death by not seat belting him .... all trumped up BS just for the opportunity to screw over a white cop .... all kinds of similar crap all over the country ....

no cop that has any common sense is stepping off the line one little iotta these days ....