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Thread: Here we go again

  1. #1
    He's old and grumpy, but not fat. He'll be right back...he has to go tell some kids to get off his lawn

    Stg1swret's Avatar
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    Here we go again

    Another mass shooting, this one linked to an ISIS supporter,and our illustrious leader is calling for more gun control. It makes my head spin. How clueless can one be.
    "There are no winners in war, only bigger losers"

    If you see me or hear me coming, I'm not doing my job.

  2. #2
    CC Gray Panther
    eagle326's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Stg1swret View Post
    Another mass shooting, this one linked to an ISIS supporter,and our illustrious leader is calling for more gun control. It makes my head spin. How clueless can one be.
    Trust me on this one Sarge. He's anything but clueless. He and his minions know exactly what they're doing. All made possible by the ignorant uneducated masses who follow him with the promise of free goodies ; safe zones ;housing ;food and money.
    When the final false flag call comes they'll come out like roaches at night in a feeding frenzy. What a great time to be alive and watch them destroy themselves through mindless actions. Then maybe we'll get back to our roots of freedom.

  3. #3
    may be in trouble

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    Unfortunately there will be destruction of they who are unable to defend themselves.

    Every time one of these mass shootings has taken place, I have had my gut tighten and sleep denied, awaiting the regime dropping the hammers of martial law and weapon seizure. It would be no wonder to me at all if better-readied preppers have gotten tired of being hung on tenterhooks like this, said the hell with it, and dropped off the grid, or, far worse, dropped their preps.

    I do NOT want to see a SHTF event as above described. That said, the temptation to say "Bring it on!" out of sheer adrenal fatigue is mounting.

    Terribly sorry, Eagle... I must disagree. Watching your country burn is not 'a great time to be alive'. Especially when you've loyally and ethically served it.

    It must be said, though, that the aftermath will, indeed, leave ample chances for either freedom or tyranny to flourish.

  4. #4
    CC Gray Panther
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    Not a problem Kesephist. I too don't want to see my beloved country torn to pieces . But I've been around long enough to see the steady decline in the government going from serving us in our best interest to us serving them and their whims . And the people becoming self centered ; self gratifying pleasure seekers who only care for themselves no matter who gets hurt in the process. Now would I love to see an peaceful solution ? You can bet your sweet biffy I would.

    But with all the divisional groups going after each other it's only a matter of time in my opinion before someone lights up the tinder box. As for the great time to be alive line ; I would hope to be alive so that I in some small way may be able to help turn us around.It's having served that makes my soul to want our nation back. I understand the pain that the destruction will cause for a period of time but then longer this goes on the longer time frame of pain and destruction we will see before we become whole again.

    I guess what I'm saying is I'd rather this happen in my life time so as to make my grandchildren and great grandchildren's lives peaceful and stable. Because the roaches I'm talking about are those most dangerous to our survival and even though they seem to agree on many things right now they will eat each other alive when times turn ugly. For they only care for themselves and not humanity as a whole. I'm not a pessimist about life. I'm a realist and I believe that for all we do and have done will make no difference until the flag goes up. I abhor violence but if that's what it takes to set this ship right then send me forth and I'll do what I can with what I got.

    Pray for peace but prepare for war. And thanks for your view on the subject.

    Just my 2 cents

  5. #5
    Bacon saver

    Brownwater Riverrat 13's Avatar
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    Be safe.............the night is your friend.

  6. #6
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    Nothing to worry about - IT'S AN ELECTION YEAR - they push the anti-gun agenda like they wipe their azz - it's just second nature to them ....

    Hellery is committed to continuing Obammy World - that includes promising to disarm the redneck hillbilly bible thumping Trumpers that'll stop the ghetto violence .....

  7. #7
    Bacon saver

    Brownwater Riverrat 13's Avatar
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    Nope, nothing to worry about. We'll just sit back (not on my hands) and watch what happens next cause it's out of our hands.
    "At's all I got to say about that"
    Be safe.............the night is your friend.



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