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Thread: Immigration ruling

  1. #1
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    Immigration ruling

    Obama said his executive order on (illegal) immigration was struck down and he was disappointed (poor baby, get over it). My concern with this new immigration is what they are experiencing in Europe. But no the US is different, they say, no it is not. I will give you an example. My nephew is a deputy sheriff, who we had over last night. He told us five times in the last two weeks he has been on calls which people have told others, victims of crimes, this is a Mexican apartment you should not live there. He was even told by some dirt bag, this is a Mexican neighborhood you should not be here. The arrogance is what pisses me off. I do not care where you are from but if you do not want to assimilate into our culture then you should get out. I recently saw a T-shirt which said "Fit in or Fuck off", printed in the middle of an outline of the USA. We have a huge Mexican population and so many of them have become great citizens. They have been here for generations and now we are starting to run into these nationalistic dirt bags who think they can colonize areas of our county. The interesting thing is most of these people are second and third generation. I guess one of the things I see is there is such a racial divide now thanks to the president I think things will get much worse. I do not have a solution to the problem. I know some people say send them back that may be easy for some but if it is the second and third generations who are a problem then the deportations will not work.

    So now they want to bring a bunch of new people from the Middle East into the US. They will say we will disperse them across the US equally. Well that is not going to work they will move where they want and live around people they are comfortable with, who wouldn't? The more I read about these groups they will come to the US unlike any other immigrant groups we have ever had. If you look at just about every group who have come to the US they have been relatively humble and just want to find work and live. From what I have read about the Syrian refugees is they do not ask but demand assistance. Aid works are threatened if they do not give them what they want. It is so easy for us to say, well just kick them out but our wonderful elected officials would not allow that because of the children. I say we have enough problems here rather than bring more problems in. I think we need to deal with what we have now first.

    Okay end rant.
    If it is predictable then it is preventable....... Gordon Graham

    So if it is predictable and preventable then you better prepare.

  2. #2
    I have still yet to grow a brain
    Vodin's Avatar
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    If you come to the US that is because of 1 or 2 reasons.

    1> You want something better.

    2> You have an image of what you want it to be.

    Welcome 1 and kill the other. The 2nd is and always will be an enemy. You dont come to the US to make a change that suits your needs.
    The tallest oak in the forest was once just a nut who held its ground.

    Be decisive. Right or Wrong, make a decision. The road of life is paved with flat squirrels who could not make a decision.

  3. #3
    I'll most likely shit myself

    bacpacker's Avatar
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    Can't say I have any disagreement with either post. The Mexicans have been coming here for years. IMO the second and third gens are pushing hard to take at least a portion of the southwest for Azatlan. Watch the bastards in any news report, protest, etc, they are always waving Mexican flags. Build the wall high, wide, and deep. Top it with .50 cals line their side with mines and dare them over.

    The muzzies, well just look back at history for the past 1000 years, 2000. They only want to take over wherever they are and do that at any chance they get. Why on earth would we let them in here to screw us up worse than we already are.

  4. #4
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    You know this wall thing everyone says it will not work. Well if we really want to know if it will stop people all you have to do is talk to the Israelis. Then again it also worked very well in Iraq. Besides it will give some of the little dirt bags something to paint.
    If it is predictable then it is preventable....... Gordon Graham

    So if it is predictable and preventable then you better prepare.



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