Received this today from a retired Marine buddy of mine so it's credible intell. (Hillary's server) Makes me want to go and hit all the upcoming gun shows now for recon purposes. Talk to the vendors, I'm sure they would be forthcoming with information, they are just as concerned as we are. Besides.....I'm a sailor, I can bullshit with anybody, it's what I do. I be pickin your pockets and your brain at the same time. Wouldn't hurt to see what's going on around the rest of this wonderful country of ours either. It would be good to get a pulse, what better place to hang out?....................just saying..........360 degrees man!

To all:

A good and credible friend of mine called today and told me he was at the Nashville "Gun and Knife Show". He witnessed over a dozen black gangster looking men purchasing AR-15'a. As long as I have and he has been going to gun and knife shows, occasionally middle class looking black men (1 or 2) attend. But, a concentration of threatening in appearance men shopping for AR's

Apparently they passed the background checks. I know the BHO Administration has deleted many names of the terrorist watch list. Have they expunged the records of gangsters too? In any case, over a dozen potentially Black Panther/Black Lives Matter/Nation of Islam have armed up - legally.

Awareness of your surroundings is a must.
