Domeguy:"I believe the Democratic nominee will win the election, as I think there are just too many people living off of the government, expecting a check, along with everything else that goes along with it. We are a nation of people who want it all NOW, and have no idea on how to WORK FOR IT. They don't want change, and are just fine with the status quo."

True, all true.

Domeguy:" Then I feel that nominee will take a second term, just as the current government has somehow done. Then we will have an entire generation who has known nothing but entitlements, with big government running everything, and telling them what to do, and not what to think, AND NOT QUESTIONING IT."

Again, pathetically and completely true.

Domeguy: "And I feel the very first day after the election will be the first day America starts to be deconstructed."

Incorrect, but not wrong. That started WAAAY back in the days of Fat Bill.

Domeguy: "We will then start to feel the push of full UN control over this country, and then shortly be the UN point of operations, where they will start to nibble away at other countries like they did here, and the (insert the new name of the US here) will be leading the way, and become the military force to do so."

The UN is a jobs bank for the children of the rich. They will not be too aggressive here, fully and rightly believing the old Yamamoto quote.

This is not to say the US under Rodham etc. will be at all an improvement. I have said from seven years ago that BHO was the third socialist president and the last socialist president. I stand behind that prediction, as I see Rodham becoming General-Secretary of the Socialist Republic of North America, or some such.

I sympathize greatly for the military that swore in good faith to serve, and ended up ground down under the mill of building socialism.

When the professionally dependent have drained the honest taxpayer to the point that there is no more to take and therefore no more to give... look out. It will be bad, yes... but the 300lb-plus pro foodstamp hawkers can't run or shoot very well, and the gangbangers will turn on each other and the system that kept them in 'their money'.

I don't say I look forward to it... I look forward AT it, and do that best of defenses... not be there when it happens.

I did not think to live long enough to even contemplate this happening in this country. I do not want it to happen. Those with a bent towards prayer have been, do, and continue to pray that it doesn't.