Sounds kinda like a crap shoot when predicting the path of a hurricane. Good ideas and they can be adapted to other scenarios too. If I were in an area that was prone to flooding my first thought is move. I know easy to say hard to do, it is not always possible. So with that in mind I would prepare my valuables for an easy move. I know we all collect too much. However if you had things you need to survive in say plastic tuff boxes to protect from weather and at the same time allowing for easy moving would be the way to go. I would say for the things that could not be moved, furniture having proper insurance would be critical. I would also have an enclosed trailer to protect my things and in a pinch I could live out of it.

Food, water, candles, lanterns flashlights with lots of batteries obviously are important to have all the time. I would also have extra large tarps in the event my house was compromised. Plywood pre-cut for the windows.

I am not big on jacked up trucks however if I lived in an area prone to flooding I would consider this. We have floods out in our area and it never ceases to amaze me the stupidity of people. The road is washed out so I have a four wheel drive and I'll just drive across the river. However for standing water over the roadway I do not have a problem driving through. However when you see the water rushing over the roadway and do not know if it is still there I won't chance it. Having seen the long lines of people trying to evacuate the coastal areas I would make sure gas tank is full and have extra gas. How much, at least enough to fill the tank with me. I would make it a point to refill whenever possible at a station. It is so easy to sit back when not in the situation to say, they should have left sooner, again not always possible.

You will always forget something, that happens.