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Thread: Food for Patriots - good, bad, ugly or scam?

  1. #11
    plenty of extra room "down his pants"
    ElevenBravo's Avatar
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  2. #12
    stark assed naked and butt to nut with no issues
    Stormfeather's Avatar
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    Folks, I think you guys are missing one important factor in all of this, and while Im not saying you guys are being a bit snobbish....

    well.... Yea, I kind of am. lol.... but Im saying it with love!

    You have to take the scenario into context, if the SHTF, your mindset has to change, correct? You have to look objectively at situations and break it down to common denominators.

    Food is fuel, nothing more nothing less. Yea, we would love it all to taste like roast beef, chicken cordon bleu, or bacon flavored honey buns... but as long as it fuels the machine so that it continues to work, then its doing its job. Ive lived on MRE;s much longer than has ever been recommended, and when it comes time in the field to grab a MRE, I dont go and search thru the meals, to find one I like, I grab the first one I come to, why? Food is Fuel. I want the body to work, taste to me is secondary. Break it down to the basics folks, and if that time ever comes, that Chicken Pesto Salad MRE just became a Bacon Cheeseburger.
    Its fine to have one,
    Its fine to be proud of it,
    But please dont whip it out in public and start waving it around,
    And PLEASE dont try to force it down my children's throats.

    An armed society is a polite society. Manners are good when one may have to back up his acts with his life.

  3. #13
    Damn the propane, save the bacon!

    LUNCHBOX's Avatar
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    In my opinion a little pepper/salt goes a long way. Lol. I'm not bad mouthing those type of meals but for the price.... I'll stock beans, rice and pasta all day long and spend a lot less. Like Storm said "food is fuel" and I think a handful of dirt with sugar spinkled on it would taste good when your hungry.
    Be ready now, you won't have that chance later.

  4. #14
    Crotch Rocket

    mitunnelrat's Avatar
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    Lol. Anyone remember getting grossed out when I discussed putting rodent traps in a BOB? Every warm weather outing in the woods has seen at least one.
    Consilio et animis


  5. #15
    may be in trouble

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    agreed, 'food is fuel'.

    In your experience, which beans prepare the easiest?

    by which i mean lowest amount of time from package to actually being eaten, and least amount of prep materials (hot water, f'r'instance).

    Taste.. as Kat said in ALL QUIET ON THE WESTERN FRONT... "Cold beans taste fine too."

  6. #16
    Damn the propane, save the bacon!

    LUNCHBOX's Avatar
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    That's actually a good test...put a couple handfuls in water and see how long they take to soften and become edible. I've never really tried numerous different types to see if there's a difference in time.
    Be ready now, you won't have that chance later.

  7. #17
    finally pooped
    jamesneuen's Avatar
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    Personally I love MRE's. I would go raid the ships supply everytime they cooked something terrible.
    Quote Originally Posted by Gunfixr View Post
    Welcome to the internet.
    One of us types in our heart and soul, and then puts it up for the world.
    Then, the rest get to interpret it.
    It is literal, or figurative?
    Sad, or happy?
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    Just black and white words on a screen.
    Not like a conversation in person, with facial expressions, body language, tone of voice.

    Still, we here pretty much slide along without issues.
    Imagine how well we could get along in person.

    Or, we would just think each other is a bunch of assholes

  8. #18
    Senior Member

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    While I am sure all of us will agree with Stormfeather that "food is fuel", I think there are different levels of SHTF for which we all prepare. Whether it be 24 hours without electricity and running water to a TEOTWAWKI event. Most of the times with which we have to deal will most likely be somewhere in between those two types of events.

    I for one do not want to live on MRE or dehydrated food for a week while I wait for my utilities to be restored. On the other hand, if for some reason we have to BUG OUT and have just a few minutes I can't be grabbing cases of canned food.

  9. #19
    I'll most likely shit myself

    bacpacker's Avatar
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    My thoughts exactly SoCal

  10. #20
    may be in trouble

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    Quote Originally Posted by Socalman View Post
    This is a company that seems to be making lots of posts on Facebook, offering a 3 day trial kit for just $9.95 shipping/handling. So my thought was let's give it a try, heck 10 bucks I can see how it compares to Mountain House, Wise and Honeyville products.

    So, after submitting my info for the offer before you complete the transaction there is some guy making a hard sell for upgrading to 3 weeks or even 3 months. You can't complete the order unless you go through the entire audio sales pitch. Finally, when it was all over, you still can't complete the order unless you upgrade.

    Anyone else have ANY experience with this company's products?
    Back to the point of this thread: I DID give the site a try... it is a scam of the bait and switch variety. I should count fortunate that the scammers find the prepper statistical universe small enough to NOT pursue very hard.




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