Socal you are wrong, I am from Sonoma and we make great wine up here, all Napa can make is good auto parts.

Viodin so you want to make wine??? Well you need to do research soooooo you need to come out here and go wine tasting. I know just the person to show you around and you will not be disappointed. Now if you choose to pursue the book route without doing the research I really can't help you.

Sniper if the wine you make is so bad you want to add "hard stuff" to it to make it drinkable, then I suggest three things. One save the hard stuff and just drink it straight. Two, let it turn to vinegar, which will taste like shit too. Three take it and turn it into brandy, (hint the best choice!!!!!!), I learned this from a couple of old Italians last week. So there you have it you have not wasted your hard stuff but actually increased it.