This storm is looking worse and worse for folks in Florida. The track now shows the eye may skirt Daytona Beach, The storm will be producing hurricane force winds along areas of the Florida coast for 24 hours along a 200 mile swath centered around Daytona. If it tracks a bit more westerly hurricane force winds will be felt inland as far as Orlando. Mandatory evacs have already been put in place east of US1A. Most grocery stores and a lot of gas stations and hardware/Home improvement stores have run out of essentials.
Will be contacting my daughter later today to see what is going on.
If you are in the storms path, contact friends and relatives and tell them your plans. Keep them updated and keep your cell charged. If you are evacuating and haven't gassed up, you probably can't at this point. Storm impact is expected to be at its strongest starting about 10PM tonight and continue through the weekend. Stay safe. My prayers are with you.