Quote Originally Posted by Illini Warrior View Post
your "distance" chart was discounted 30 years ago ... you need to factor in more criteria than "I'm far enough away" - simple refugee flow mapping quikly shows the fallacy ....

just as a quik example - your "spot" is equal 100 miles distance from two major cities - with the usual road web of interstate and secondary roads ... when the two cities refugees collide in between they begin their spread or midpoint encampment - 250,000+ unprepared and bare azzed sheeple don't bode well for you ....

and that doesn't include FEMA - if there's time for Fed involvement for city evacuation - your area could be the destination for 10,000s of Section 8 sheeple with their hands out - depending on FEMA - good luck ....
The last even vaguely organized or even partial evacuation of a major city was London during the Blitz... and that was with a sizable % of them knowing of warfare and what to expect, given experiences from WWI, and a lot more give-a-damn about others than we are liable to see in the rest of our lifetimes. Even then, London was hardly rendered an empty shell.

New Orleans and Katrina should have been instructive enough about the situation in the US.

Pardon the bluntness, or not, but deriving a place to bug out to by formulae will not work.