Quote Originally Posted by mitunnelrat View Post
Boy, I slaughtered that post. No getting away from "people" entirely
QUite all right.

Limiting dealing with other people is only prudent post SHTF. +/- of a preset BOL is the one same basic thing: the effort put forth into creating it. Wonderful if everything is there where you left it when you need it. Not so much if some damn gang of meth cookers or pot growers or other such find it and have settled on and/or looted the stuff there.

For a large enough group, as I have stated earlier and elsewhere, a trusted forward element of a caretaker or caretakers, will be worthwhile.

Risks all around. But there is risk in all things, despite what the nanny-state types and other special snowflakes (emphasis on that second syllable, there) would have folk believe.
