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Thread: Is this a necessary thread?

  1. #11
    Crotch Rocket

    mitunnelrat's Avatar
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    Eastern MI
    Ladies and gentlemen, it is time to play a role again.

    I believe a reminder of our existence and mission at is once again in order. I am not going to outright close this thread, as I would have in years past, mostly because I have tried to relax some in order to encourage more discussion and membership.


    Prepping is gender neutral, interracial, non-partisan activity, and continued division along any of these lines will be addressed as it has in the past. With closures, reprimands, and removals. My reasoning for not starting out this way, at this time, is the same reason I liked eagle's post. There is enough evidence available to anticipate trouble/ turmoil no matter who wins. To separate along any lines does the site a disservice. We do not disrespect our women, have never questioned the race of a member. Why is there such an insistence of doing so along political lines? I say enough.

    The election is scant days away. No minds are likely to be changed at this time. Make your own peace with your own choices, prep as needed, suck it up, and drive on. Your predictions will either come to fruition, or they won't. Either way, you have no more influence over another's thought processes than what they allow you. It should therefore not be inside your circle of concern.
    Consilio et animis


  2. #12
    CC Gray Panther
    eagle326's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Brownwater Riverrat 13 View Post
    OK, I'll break out the camera. I have been having a go of it with this thing. Trickle down effect........thread to follow.
    Thanks River Rat!! I love me some Dozer porn.

  3. #13
    CC Gray Panther
    eagle326's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mitunnelrat View Post
    Ladies and gentlemen, it is time to play a role again.

    I believe a reminder of our existence and mission at is once again in order. I am not going to outright close this thread, as I would have in years past, mostly because I have tried to relax some in order to encourage more discussion and membership.


    Prepping is gender neutral, interracial, non-partisan activity, and continued division along any of these lines will be addressed as it has in the past. With closures, reprimands, and removals. My reasoning for not starting out this way, at this time, is the same reason I liked eagle's post. There is enough evidence available to anticipate trouble/ turmoil no matter who wins. To separate along any lines does the site a disservice. We do not disrespect our women, have never questioned the race of a member. Why is there such an insistence of doing so along political lines? I say enough.

    The election is scant days away. No minds are likely to be changed at this time. Make your own peace with your own choices, prep as needed, suck it up, and drive on. Your predictions will either come to fruition, or they won't. Either way, you have no more influence over another's thought processes than what they allow you. It should therefore not be inside your circle of concern.

    Sorry if I posted improperly. I was trying to show how some people don't care about others . As you stated we are a group who respects all of those mentioned in your statement. Was trying to give different insight from my knowledge of ways things seem to me. Knowing that we as a group are beyond this kind of behavior.

    If in the future if I screw the pooch in any post please advise me and delete said post and advise me as to where I messed up. I edited my post where I believe I may have messed up.


  4. #14
    Crotch Rocket

    mitunnelrat's Avatar
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    eagle, no worries. I did make one edit in the thread, and it wasn't on you.

    I also wasnt trying to single anyone out. Just felt the reminder was due.
    Consilio et animis


  5. #15
    CC Gray Panther
    eagle326's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mitunnelrat View Post
    eagle, no worries. I did make one edit in the thread, and it wasn't on you.

    I also wasnt trying to single anyone out. Just felt the reminder was due.
    No problem. I want to be told if I'm posting incorrectly. Besides it's your job to keep us old folks in line when our minds don't work right.

  6. #16
    stark assed naked and butt to nut with no issues
    Stormfeather's Avatar
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    Soooooo..... no shit.... here we are. Um.... Did we win? Can I come out of the bunker yet?
    Its fine to have one,
    Its fine to be proud of it,
    But please dont whip it out in public and start waving it around,
    And PLEASE dont try to force it down my children's throats.

    An armed society is a polite society. Manners are good when one may have to back up his acts with his life.

  7. #17
    may be in trouble

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    The last president to not have held any office before running for President was (I think) Eisenhower. In that context, yes, the country did win.

    For my home here in Nevada, not so much. The female Reid anointed got Reid's seat, and our House representation flipped from 3:1 red/blue to 1:3 red/blue. And Heller is up for reelection in 2018, so technically the whole state could go blue then.

    No one can say, on either side, that this election cycle was anything but horrid. And if anyone is thinking that on a probably cold Friday afternoon, ten weeks from now, everything will suddenly burst into sunshine, rainbows and song, then I submit that they have another think coming.



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