Quote Originally Posted by Socalman View Post
If this post should be in another forum, please excuse my mistake and mods move it with my blessing.

So the Green Party candidate, Jll Stein, is calling for a recount of the votes in several states. Interesting that she has raised more money for a recount than she did for here campaign.

President elect Trump says that a recount will show that there was fraud and he will end up winning the popular vote.

In about 3 weeks the Electoral College will meet and make the final election of the next President. What do you think will happen if the EC selects someone other than Trump?
Sorry I need to correct you they are not claiming fraud only problems with voting machines and maybe the final count. If they were to investigate the fraud which may or may not occurred, it did, then we would be talking about dead people voting. Now obviously if dead people were to vote, that would be illegal and they would have to be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. Now then again if there were people who were voting for someone else then this could be construed to be voter fraud, kinda like the guy in San Jose, who had 85 different mail in ballots sent to his home. Now I want you to understand a good democrat like him would never do anything illegal and for that reason he is not going to be prosecuted. Besides he said it must have been a mistake anyways. You know I wonder if they returned all those ballots to him so his friends could vote….