Quote Originally Posted by mitunnelrat View Post
To be blunt, we're dying here. Seriously. Don't believe me? Look back at the last three months of activity. We've had a smattering of "I did x" posts in "What did you do to prep this week"

We've had 3 weeks since any other thread activity in GD, and only 4 active threads.

Equipment and Basic supplies has seen 3 active threads in the last 3 months, and I started two of them. Nothing in the EDC sub-forum since March. Worse yet, we had a first time poster ask a question, and none of us noticed? I eventually answered his question, but even I missed that. Day-um. Discounting his query and my reply though, there has been no activity in there since October.

Bushcraft has seen one post, total.

Food & Water. It looks like we may be doing slightly better here. 5 active threads, but... one is a spoof. Nothing against that at all, but I want to focus on our prep related content for the moment. The farm and garden subforum saw two of the "4" threads itself, but not since October. The main food index has two more. Only one has been active this month. The next closest was the start of November.

Shelter. 4 threds. Nothing since the end of October.

Medical. 5 threads. Nothing since the end of October.

Transportation. 1 thread. This month. Unfortunately its on my trailer, and on hold unless I share what I plan to buy and add to it.

Communication. Nothing since August.

Weapons. 6 threads. Ok, we like our guns, but there's still been no activity in there for a month.

Money Matters. Nothing since March.

Reviews. Nothing since June.

That sums up the "survival" index of our forum. What should be the meat of the colony. What we thrive on and live for here. Instead, we have the next run of stats...

Town Hall 20 threads. 4 political topics. Currently active.

Intel. 10 threads. 2 confirmed political. Currently active.

Media Center. 1 thread, this month.

Classifieds last saw activity in October.

Stories. 1 thread. Currently active.

The other thing I've noted is a disparity between the like/ thank entries and number of replies in a thread. I'm as guilty as the next guy when it comes to this, but how much more discussion might we have if we took that option away? Its a route I'm pondering.

I"m also going to say its time to end the political discussion. The twelve or so of us who regularly participate are already well aware of how you think and feel about the election, and politicians in general. Lets move past this again, please.

At the end of the day, we need more content. We've had 23 active threads in 3 months. Of those, 19 have been started within 90 days, 5 from me alone. I like that most of our activity has been in new threads, but how is it only one man is generating fully one fourth of that?

And I have yet to begin trying hard. Just watch, because for my part I'm going to get back to what we started with here. Doing shit. Excelilng at it. My challenge to myself is to get out and do a winter bivouac over the New Year holiday. Pics and review will of course follow. And again ihn April... July... October...

My challenge to all of us is to put more on our main index. Honestly, I don't care how trivial or mundane you think it may be... If its prep related, and you're doing it, I want to see it. In words if you must, but preferably with pictures. I'd like to see more commentary on why you like something, or what you think could be done differently. I want to see some disagreement, dammit! Lol. We need some excitement in this place.

Lets get this bitch rocking, remember to tag the ever living shit out of the new threads, and employ every other trick and technique we can to get the forum showing on search engines. We're all very comfortable bs'ing with each other. We're family, and it shows. But I visit my family on social media sites, and this is more than that.

We are united in common cause. Lets show the world.
I do think a significant part of the recent silence is an attempt at OPSEC. Another part of it is fatigue, watching this miserable parade of events and waiting for the final shoe to drop. Not from eagerness for that shoe to drop, but just to finally have action to react to, information to work with.

Any of the assembled here that is ex-military and ever drew guard duty in CONUS.... what was always, always, always the seemingly longest, dullest part? That last half hour before end of the shift.