Quote Originally Posted by eagle326 View Post
Exactly BWR. If anything we're deeper into the shit than before. As long as Dems. were in control their cannon fodder groups were on a loose leash because they believed their plan was coming to completion and they would control all of us.

Our people stayed calm and lived 8 years under their rules even while they tore shit up. Now that Trump is in they see and know a lot of their free shit could come to an end. This in itself alone is the reason we're seeing an uptick in all areas and the leash will finally come off and they will try to grab back the power in anyway they can.

Now is the time to be even more vigilant than before. If anything we have to up our game ; head on 24 hour swivel ; 6th. sense in over drive. They see Trump as pure evil against their agenda and they and T.P.T.B. cannot have this no matter the cost. So beef up all you can ; get that property and River Rat the hell out of it so that you ; Ladyhawk and your group can survive along with the other Ant groupings where ever they locate.

As for me & mine we'll do what we can with cards we're dealt. The main goal is for you younger ones to stay alive so as to restore order when the day comes if ever. My greatest task is making sure our youngest daughter 32 years old is in a safe place. As for the wife and I we'll be there in the end if possible but daughter and younger ones come first.

Just my 2 cents
As long as they are 95% copper instead of 97.5% zinc.

Has to be said, I for once ain't the pessimist trumpeting (oh dear, a pun) this stuff. That said, it's just about dead on with what I've had clawing up my back and neck ever since election night...especially when Rodham sent her flunky out instead of having the class to concede personally. That in itself was unsettling.

My transfer to TN is not only a final homage to my late friend's excellent intel and analysis of the area, but that I'd be getting to an area that is far more open to this groups' mindset re: prep AND the above riverrat/Eagle sentiments.

This isn't a Mao "must always have something to struggle against" thing, nor "bitter clingers"... It's that the S has -not yet- HTF... The potentials have not changed except possibly for a bit worse, as the FSA bunches are about to find out when their goodies dry up.

Regrettably the folks that have been propping all this up see that Khruschev was right..."There is a kind of quality in large enough quantities." Most of these yayhoos are out of shape to the point that they couldn't survive a SHTF event even if they had access to enough supplies. But there are so MANY of them that they will commit atrocious infrastructural damage while dying.

The lesser number, hard core types are the ones to fear. Their major disadvantage will be that their moves are mostly geared to operating in urban situations where they know all the ground. I feel much sympathy for the Amish and Mennonite populations that these will have access to, as their policy of pacifism will get them and theirs pillaged, enslaved, raped and killed.

Well, I've shot my mouth off for a bit here.