Quote Originally Posted by bacpacker View Post
Illi, the possible 3-4 seats was the kicker on me voting for Trump.

Gorsuch appears to be a conservative by all accounts. And with him getting a 100% confirmation as a federal judge, it's gonna be hard for the dems to come down too hard on him. IMO a great choice for Trumps first pick. Like most everything else he has done so far, seems he is three moves ahead of the dems and MSN at every step, to use a chess metaphor.

Gorsuch is even more to the right than just conservative - he's a no frills Constitutionist - he doesn't believe in reading into and adjusting the Constitution to fit what the latest heartbeat is demanding ...

if Goruch gets another conservative judge to swing the majority - something like 2A Rights will get another & final SCOTUS ruling - that'll kill off all the current BS laws that the individual states are using to screw citizens - CA gun laws would all be eliminated ....

if Congress & Trump sign in a nationwide CCW law - the challenge will go all the way to SCOTUS for judgement .... the entire 2A Right could be reviewed and finally defined ....