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Thread: Please excuse my rant

  1. #1
    I'll most likely shit myself

    bacpacker's Avatar
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    Please excuse my rant

    Please excuse this as it nothing more than me unloading some frustrations.

    The past 2 + months have been a bitch! We finally got a contractor to repair all our hail damage. He sent the first crew out here in early August, they were here 2 hours and left. Said our roof was to steep, it's only a 6/12 pitch. I had to ask him what the hell he did for a living. The second guy worked a grand total of 3 days out of 12. He tore off all our gutters and soffitt, gutters were suppose to go, soffitt's were staying. That's one extra the contractor is on the hoof for. Third group finally started getting some work done and was doing good work. When tropical storm Lee came up thru here we got over 8" of rain over a 3 day period. Needless to say we had leaks. On Monday (Labor Day) we started seeing water spots on our ceiling in the upstairs hall and bathroom. I called the roofer and he came right out and repaired around a vent pipe and got that stopped. Next day I went to work and by 10:00am the wife called and said our downstairs bedroom and closet carpet was wet. I got right to the house and found the carpet had water standing in it, plus the ceiling is dripping (A lot of my preps was stored in there in plastic totes luckily). Called the roofer back, he came right back and found a attic fan cover had blown off which left a 8" hole in our roof. Got that fixed and hasn't had any more problems with that. I bought a dehumdifier and started running it in the closet for a week now and have pulled 7 gallons of water out., Carpet is finally dry but smells like a wet dog. 2nd thing the contractor is on the hoof for. The insurance adjuster is coming out Friday to see what needs doing, but my biggest concern is with mold. Hopefully they'll pull the carpet up and check that out well.
    On top of this all we have had to put all the stuff out of the closet which is large, 12' feet long out into the bedroom which is where my MIL with altzheimers was sleeping which has messed her up even worse than she was. I can keep her out of that room and she tripped over the cord to the dehumidifier and fell down. We knew dealing with her was going to be hard, but OH MY GOD. She is driving my wife crazy and I'm not sure how much more of this she is going to be able to handle. The wife has almost quit eating and is a nervous wreck.
    Back to the roof, the workers stayed here Monday night until dark and had about a days worth of work left to do. They came out Tuesday and did almost nothing for 2 hours and left with all their tools and the remaining screws for the rest of the metal. Today they didn't even show up. I called the crew boss and he was beside himself that they hadn't finished and took all the stuff away. He's suppose to be back tomorrow to work on it. The contractor called last night and said the siding crew is suppose to show up Thursday morning and get started. After all this crap I'll believe it when I see it.
    Sorry for the rant, I just needed to unload.

  2. #2
    Do you have change for a canned bacon?

    AlphaTea's Avatar
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    Sounds like somebody needs a hug.

    Seriously, when the shit gets too deep, I go to the range and use up some ammo.
    After a few rapid fire mag dumps, I feel MUCH better.
    Just like you said in the last line of your "rant", you need to unload.
    They say that the cockroaches will be the last creature alive on this earth.
    I intend on being the last person alive still stomping cockroaches.

  3. #3
    The source of all known trouble in the universe

    RedJohn's Avatar
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    This is something that I don't understand as of late. Jobs are difficult to find and the one that have them don't really want to do them. There are more and more reports like this.

    I hope that you get thru it soon ... and without harming someone. This is so frustrating.

  4. #4
    I'll most likely shit myself

    bacpacker's Avatar
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    Alpha great idea, I'm just concerned I might start drawing faces on my paper targets.

    Your right RJ. 1st 2 crews were all americans, which is one reason I picked the contractor. 3rd crew american led, but either mexican or guatamalon decent.

    Oh well if I don't pop my cork again maybe this shit will be done before Christmas.

  5. #5
    Crotch Rocket

    mitunnelrat's Avatar
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    Definitely a lot going on there. Hopefully what can be easily resolved, is, and as quickly as possible for you. That way events can stabilize for your MIL and life there can smooth out over time.

    I think Alpha had a great idea with some range time, but as importantly: Do you have anyone you can leave overnight (or at least a few hours) with your MIL? A little down time might do your wife some good as well.
    Consilio et animis


  6. #6
    Claptrap's Problem Solver

    The Stig's Avatar
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    Sorry to hear about your troubles brother. That sounds frustrating as hell, especially since you're already dealing with the Alzheimer's situation.

    We're going through that now with my grandmother. It's exhausting sometimes and she's 800 miles away. I can't imagine the stress that generates being down the hallway. I think MTR had a good suggestion...find little times where you and the Mrs can get away. Even if it's for a hour long walk in the park its time to get away and decompress.

    As far as the contractors go? Poop in their toolbox.
    If you think that come SHTF you are gonna jock up in all your kit and be a death-dealing one man army, you're an idiot - izzyscout

  7. #7
    I'll most likely shit myself

    bacpacker's Avatar
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    The wife has a sister who lives about 10 miles away. She just refuses to watch her mother more than 1-2 days a month. We've been trying to do all our shopping, errand running thru those, but can't really get her any down time for her. We've even tried for her to leave and go do some stuff and leave the MIL with me. It's good for the wife, very bad for MIL. Plus we're really tied down dealing with the house.

    One of my wife's big frustrations has been not being able get in the garden much this year. She really enjoies that. We're still looking for options, just haven't found any yet. I do appreceiate the suggestions and well wishes.

  8. #8
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    TEOTWAWKI13's Avatar
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    Sounds somewhat familiar to what my mom dealt with during the last days of her parents lives. I miss my grandparents badly. Anyways, her sister is the type to sneak in and grab some laundry of theirs and take it home and clean it, maybe, but then tell everyone she knows she's just so tired from having to take care of mom and dad! Really made my skin crawl. Bear in mind, I was in my mid 20s when all this took place, but I laid into her stupid ass 2 good times. She's my aunt, not my mom, and I respect everyone, but sometimes the truth is the truth....

    I say all that to say this, maybe you need to have a come to Jesus meeting with the sister and/or her significant other if there is one.

  9. #9
    I'll most likely shit myself

    bacpacker's Avatar
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    Tet you don't know how badly I want to do that. Thing is there are 5 daughters. 2 of them don't give a crap (including the one down here), 1 who wants to tell everybody else how things are gonna be, and my wife and one other who has done what they can. Guess who'll be feelin ok with what they did when it's over.
    I'm really just waitin on them to push my wife that last little bit, then stand back and enjoy the show and keep the BIL's out of it.

  10. #10
    Premium Member

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    I hear ya. I almost had to beat my uncle's brakes off...he tried to get in my face for stating my opinion. Said I wasn't involved in the "sitation." I had to remind him I wasn't a little kid anymore and that at 25-26 yrs old, I stood a greater chance of healing from our wounds a lot faster than he did.



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