Well, with the help of an Aderall, I got my ass in gear and got medieval on the RV. I tore out all of the paneling, insulation, and the ceiling in the rear half. I am now wishing I had stayed home the day I went to look at it. Oh well, I now know just what I have to work with. All of the ceiling. Joists will need to be replaced, but my main concern is the top plates on all of the wall joists,(if you can call them that) they are mostly completely rotten on both sides. I think I will need to replace the ceiling aluminum plates, as they have more holes than solid area. The people that worked on it before figured you can't go wrong by putting more screws into it...wrong. [IMG][/IMG]

This is what it looks like now...the rear of the passengers side[IMG][/IMG]

The rear of the drivers side...

And the pile of shit I tore out...
At least it can't get much worse...