I'm looking at it this way...I'm fixing it up to use on the weekends in the Spring thru Fall months, local use only. I'm not going to be driving it to Alaska in the middle of Winter. It's just going to be used by my future wife and myself to take a break at the local scenery, and to take the grandkids to the lake on the weekends. It doesn't have to be pretty, just functional. We just need a place to sleep, cook, clean up, shelter from the elements, and indoor plumbing seems to be important to the women for some bizarre reason. I've got nothing better to do in my spare time but projects around the house, and this is just one of them. I was thinking of replacing the roof...but why? Just fix it so it doesn't fall in on itself for the next decade, and I'll be happy. It's resale value will be practically nothing no matter how much money and time I put into it anyway. I've never had the money my whole life to be able to take something to an expert and tell them to fix it, and then write them a check. Early in life I learned to do most everything myself due to necessity. This is why I built my own house, because I saved over $100,000 doing it myself. So is this a challenge, yes. Do I regret buying it now seeing it total damage, yes. If I am going to replace one board, I might as well replace 20. So today, I'm going to keep taking out the million screws some idiot put in the rotten wood, pry up the roof edges, and replace the rotten lumber to keep it from falling in on itself, and keep it from leaking. Anyone want to buy a slightly used RV?