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Thread: Prayers needed

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  1. #1
    Walking on Sunshine

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    Feb 2012
    Mid Michigan
    Hi all been keeping busy. Thank you for the prayers and support. DIL2's mom and sister are in the senior living apts now but DIL2 has been getting the apt set up and moving the few things mom and sis need from the old trailer.We've been watching the kids for her. Just learned that there are 19 cases(CV19) down by Son1 in GA. DH and I are going down the end of the month for the baby's birthday so I am praying that we stay REAL healthy. No, that stubborn man is determined to go so I will be packing wipes and maybe adding oil of oregano to my regime, taking minerals and elderberry already. I'm praying that we ALL stay healthy and safe

  2. #2
    For the Love of Cats

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    Give a man fire, and he'll be warm for a day!
    Light a man on fire, and he'll be warm for the rest of his life!

    Cat's are food... not friends!

    If you're going to fight, then fight like you're the third monkey on the ramp into Noah's arc... and brother, it's starting to rain.

  3. #3
    Walking on Sunshine

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    Thanks Sniper. DIL2 is happy they got mom settled. She just has to get the rest of the paperwork sorted out. Been hard now that things have shut down. But as she said "I'm off work till the schools open so I can do a lot from home on the computer".
    Posted elsewhere but we're not going south end of the month.Staying home and hoping this will get better sooner than later.

  4. #4
    Walking on Sunshine

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    Mid Michigan
    Hi guys, pray for me. DH has to have a full knee replacement soon. He went to new doctor (his is leaving her practice).
    The X-Rays show there's no cartilage in his left knee and his right is showing spaces where it's gone too. For now they are going to try a series of new shots to hopefully fill in the lost cartilage but he will probably need to go in after first of the year. Told DH to get the crutches out NOW and practice otherwise he'll be falling all over the place LOL. It's going to be hard as he is pretty active (for an old coot) and he's not one to just sit around. Going to have to find a good diet for him so he doesn't gain too much weight while he's flat on his back. I put on about 35-40 lbs during my back to back surgeries a couple of years ago. Got the first 10 off still trying to get the rest off. Other than that we are still pretty healthy and I have been busy knitting and crocheting things for the kids for Christmas.
    Update on my nephew, thanks for all the prayers. He is doing much better now. BIL and SIL had to move him from the first home, it was terrible. They didn't take care of him and he was getting worse. So they moved him into another group home and he is doing much better. The home is half the rent and there are only about 5-6 other people there. He gets 2 hot meals a day and is looking so much better. He is fully on disability and can now pay his rent himself. SIL and his sister are now co-guardians for him. The house mother was talking about getting a dog for the home the other month and nephew said he had a dog. So he's allowed to have Rollo and believe me he is one spoiled puppy dog now .Everybody loves the dog. We are so glad he's doing better. Thank you again for all the prayers.

  5. #5
    looking at their tools while posting pictures of mine.
    Domeguy's Avatar
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    Wishing him all the best. I know what it’s like. After my broken femur, then the knee replacement, then the hip replacement, then the fall from the porch stairs, I had a lot of down time last year and gained a considerable amount of weight. From one old coot to another, stay as active as possible...just not too active.
    "Teach the children quietly
    For someday sons and daughters
    Will rise up and fight while we stood still"

    I stayed up all night to see where the sun went. Then it dawned on me.

  6. #6
    I'll most likely shit myself

    bacpacker's Avatar
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    Prayers going up Kat.

  7. #7
    Walking on Sunshine

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    Thanks guys, appreciate it. Not looking forward to DH being down. Dome, glad you're back up and about. Hope you are doing better.

  8. #8
    Walking on Sunshine

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    Just to let you know. I am going in for surgery this coming Thursday (1/13). I was diagnosed with Stage 1 cancer and will be having a portion of my right lung removed. It is a cheerio sized spot, 1mm that showed up on the xrays in October when they(doctors) thought I was having a heart attack. Turned out to be extremely severe acid indigestion but that's when they found the cancer. I had spent time at Son1's taking care of DIL and the granddaughters (yes oldest is now living with her father TG) after DIL's surgery. Son1 was on movie at the time, after being off for all of 2020 and most of 2021. SO DH and I went down to help out. I took a very bad fall just before we were due to come home and the docs now think I bruised my heart when I almost did a Mary Poppins off Son1's deck. I was trying to put down and secure the patio umbrella before it blew off the porch before one of the many storms they had. Just as I was cranking it down the wind gusted, my arm got caught and the umbrella almost took me off the 2nd story deck, (son's house is built into a hill) and I landed on my keister quite hard. Bruising didn't go away for couple of months. Made it tough to sit comfortably LOL. And things went downhill after that, when the hospital did an enzyme test that's when they thought I was having an attack because the levels were rising.After all the testing they said I have a strong heart , like bull HA HA but there was this spot on my lung. SO that's what Ive been up to this past year. I just hope and pray that 2022 will be a heck of lot better.

  9. #9
    I'll most likely shit myself

    bacpacker's Avatar
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    My prayers are with you and the hubs Kat. The good Lord has this.

  10. #10
    Walking on Sunshine

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    Feb 2012
    Mid Michigan
    Thanks BP. Will let you all know how things turn out or I will have DH contact ladyhk and brr via phone. If ladyhk, you haven't changed your #.



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